zaterdag 16 januari 2010

Canada snijdt in subsidies voor anti-Israel groepen

De Nederlandse regering (en andere EU landen) zou een voorbeeld moeten nemen aan Canada, dat de steun voor anti-Israel groeperingen heeft teruggeschroefd. Volgens de regering ontkennen zij het recht van de Joden op een staat, en promoten erkenning van Hamas en Hezbollah, die op de Canadese lijst van terroristische organisaties staan. Ook roepen zij op tot boycots van Israelische producten. Natuurlijk roepen de getroffen organisaties dat de beslissing door politieke overwegingen is ingegeven, maar in feite zijn zij het die politiek bedrijven onder het mom van liefdadigheid, religie of ontwikkelingshulp.
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Canada cuts funding to anti-Israel groups
Pro-Palestinian, Christian groups among those targeted by Canadian government
Roni Rachmani
Published:  01.14.10, 20:33
VANCOUVER – The Canadian government has recently decided to cut back or entirely withdraw the funding to organizations that encourage a boycott of Israel or Israeli products, including pro-Palestinian and Christian groups.

One such organization is the Kairos welfare agency, which lost $7 million – half of its annual budget. Kairos is a social apparatus serving 11 Catholic and Protestant groups and churches promoting the "liberation theology" within the Canadian legal and educational establishments.

Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said that the agency's budget was cut back in light of its anti-Semitic positions, adding the group preaches for recognition of such terror organizations as Hamas and Hezbollah while rejecting the Jewish people's right for a state.

Kairos denied Kenney's claims and charged that the Canadian government's decision was motivated by political considerations. It further argued that criticism of Israel should not be regarded as anti-Semitism.

Another organization whose funds were cut back was the Canadian-Arab Federation, which provides aid for immigrants from Muslim countries. The claim against the group was that it promoted hatred and extremism. The Federation claimed in response that by withdrawing funds from its budget, the Canadian government is shunning Arab immigrants.

The Palestine House Educational (PHE), which has enjoyed $750,000 a budget in the last two years, has also been targeted by Canadian authorities.

Meir Weinsten, chairman of the Canadian Jewish Defense League, said that the group's official aim is to provide language lessons, but it in fact supports Hamas and Hezbollah, both included in Canada's list of terror organizations.

Hanna Kawas, chairwoman of the Canada-Palestine Association said in response that the Canadian government's decision would only increase anti-Semitism, anti-Arab racism and Islamophobic activity.


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