woensdag 29 april 2009

Abbas wijst twee staten voor twee volken af

Door te weigeren Israel als Joodse staat te erkennen, spreekt Abbas zich in feite uit tegen een tweestatenoplossing. Ondertussen stelt de Palestijnse Basic Law wel duidelijk dat de toekomstige Palestijnse staat Arabisch en islamitisch zal zijn. Waarom mag Israel dan niet Joods zijn? Het is een hypocriet spel, waarmee Abbas zich als gematigd voordoet naar het westen terwijl hij in feite - net als Hamas - tegen erkenning van Israel is. Dat blijkt ook uit het feit dat hij het zogenaamde 'recht op terugkeer' van de Palestijnse vluchtelingen niet wil opgeven.

Moderate Palestinian Abbas rejects two state solution



RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Monday calls by the new right-leaning Israeli government to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, an issue emerging as a main obstacle to peacemaking.

"I do not accept it," the Western-backed Abbas said.

And therefore in effect, he has rejected the two state solution. How so?  
"Two state solution" is shorthand for "two states for two peoples." According to UN General Assembly Resolution 181 the international body approved the creation of two states in Palestine: a state for the Jewish people or Jewish state and a a state for the Arabs of Palestine, an Arab state. The Basic Law of the Palestinian Authority states that Palestine is an Arabic and Islamic State:

Article (2)

Palestine is part of the Arab nation. The state of Palestine abides by the charter of the League of Arab States. The Palestinian people are part of the Arab and Islamic nations. Arab unity is a goal, the Palestinian people hopes to achieve.

Article (7)

The principles of Islamic Shari'a are a major source for legislation. Civil and religious matters of the followers of monotheistic religions shall be organized in accordance with their religious teachings and denominations within the framework of law, while preserving the unity and independence of the Palestinian people.

Israel's recognition of Palestine is therefore recognition of an Arab Islamic state of Palestine. The Palestinians would not accept such a state as a solution if a majority of Jews were to suddenly move there, or if they were required to allow immigration for Jews. In fact, they insist on kicking out all the Jews.


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