donderdag 8 januari 2009

Waarom Hamas Joden haat

Volgens velen is Hamas bereid tot vrede en eigenlijk best wel een nette beschaafde en gematigde organisatie, in tegenstelling tot de zionisten natuurlijk die alles met geweld willen oplossen. Hieronder een paar citaten van de onlangs door Israel gedode Hamas leider Nizar Rayyan, en van een van de leiders van de Moslim Broederschap waaruit Hamas is voortgekomen.
Waarom is het zo moeilijk om het extremisme van Hamas onder ogen te zien?

Why Hamas hates Jews

It is always amazing to see the amazement of westerners when they encounter radical Islamist ideology. "Nah, they couldn't really believe that, could they?" Thus, despite the repeated explanations of the Hamas  that they couldn't ever make peace with Israel, well meaning "progressives" insist that it is possible to make peace with Hamas, and the falsehood is repeated that Hamas offered to make peace with Israel in return for withdrawal to the borders of 1949. But it is a fact that  Hamas, like all Islamists, hate Jews. Not just Zionists, but Jews. It has nothing to do with Palestine, or the occupation. 
 This is the real Hamas speaking:
"The only reason to have a hudna is to prepare yourself for the final battle. We don't need 50 years to prepare ourselves for the final battle with Israel." There is no chance, he said, that true Islam would ever allow a Jewish state to survive in the Muslim Middle East. "Israel is an impossibility. It is an offense against God."
It is the voice Nizar Rayyan, a late Hamas leader who is no doubt enjoying his just reward in the afterlife. Rayyan explained further:
 "Allah changed disobedient Jews into apes and pigs, it is true, but he specifically said these apes and pigs did not have the ability to reproduce. So it is not literally true that Jews today are descended from pigs and apes, but it is true that some of the ancestors of Jews were transformed into pigs and apes, and it is true that Allah continually makes the Jews pay for their crimes in many different ways. They are a cursed people."
And he described the crimes of the Jews:  
"You are murderers of the prophets and you have closed your ears to the Messenger of Allah," he said. "Jews tried to kill the Prophet, peace be unto him. All throughout history, you have stood in opposition to the word of God."
In the 1930s, Neville Chamberlain confidently asserted that it was not as if Hitler was going to murder all the Jews after all. The same incredulous attitude is taken today toward Hamas. But the ideology of Jew-hate is founded in Islamism. Sayyed Qutb was more articulate and sophisticated than Rayyan. He wrote:

At the beginning the enemies of the Muslim community did not fight openly with arms but tried to fight the community in its belief through intrigue, spreading ambiguities, creating suspicions. They do likewise today. They have plotted and they go on plotting against this nation. Hundreds and thousands have infiltrated the Muslim world, and they still do in the guise of Orientalists. The pupils of the latter fill today the positions of the intellectual life of the countries whose people call themselves Muslim. Their aim is clearly shown by the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion]. The Jews are behind materialism, animal sexuality, the destruction of the family and the dissolution of society. Principal among them are Marx, Freud, Durkheim and the Jew Jean-Paul Sartre.


The Jews have confronted Islam with enmity fromt he moment the Islamic state was established in Mediana... the Muslim community continues to suffer the same Jewish machinations and double-dealing which discomfited the early Muslims... This is a war which has not been extinguished...for close on fourteen centuries its blaze has raged in all the corners of the earth and continues to this moment.

(Sayyid Qutb, "Ma'rakatuna ma'a al-Yahud," (Our Battle Against the Jews) [essay] 1951. Published in book of the same name [Ma'rakatuna ma'a al-Yahud], Jedda, Saudi Arabia, 1970)


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