Zoals wel vaker met enquetes, veranderen de antwoorden naarmate de vraag anders wordt gesteld. In de volgende vragen wordt meermaals naar steun voor een tweestatenoplossing gevraagd, waarbij in het midden wordt gelaten of alle vluchtelingen of een beperkt aantal kan terugkeren naar Israel. Verder blijkt dat zelfs nadat er een Palestijnse staat is en alle problemen zijn opgelost er nog nauwelijks een meerderheid is die voor erkenning van Israel als Joodse staat is, en dat bijna de helft van de Palestijnen voor aanvallen op Israelische burgers is. De raketten vanuit Gaza worden dus met instemming van de helft van de bevolking afgevuurd, en als het Hamas weer zou lukken een zelfmoordaanslag in Israel te plegen is de helft van de bevolking hier blij om.
29)There is a proposal that after the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and the settlemnet of all issues in dispute, including the refugees and Jerusalem issues, there will be a mutual recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinians people. Do you agree or disagree to this proposal?
7.4% 1) Definitely agree
45.1% 2) agree
33.2% 3) disagree
12.6% 4) definitely disagree
1.7% 5) DK/NA
7.4% 1) Definitely agree
45.1% 2) agree
33.2% 3) disagree
12.6% 4) definitely disagree
1.7% 5) DK/NA
38)According to the Saudi plan, Israel will retreat from all territories occupied in 1967 including Gaza the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, and a Palestinian state will be established. The refugees problem will be resoved through negotiation in a just and agreed upon manner and in accordance with UN resolution 194 which allows return of refugees to Israel and compensation. In return, all Arab states will recognize Israel and its right to secure borders, will sign peace treaties with her and establish normal diplomatic relations. Do you agree or disagree to this plan?
9.2% 1) Certainly agree
56.7% 2) agree
22.6% 3) disagree
7.8% 4) Certainly disagree
3.6% 5) DK/NA
9.2% 1) Certainly agree
56.7% 2) agree
22.6% 3) disagree
7.8% 4) Certainly disagree
3.6% 5) DK/NA
41)When Palestinians and Israelis return to final status negotiations the following items might be presented to negotiators as the elements of a permanent compromise settlement. Tell us what you think of each item then tell us what you think of all combined as one permanent status settlement
41-1)Item #1: withdrawal to 1967 borders with territorial swap
4.3% 1) Strongly agree
50.1% 2) Agree
31.5% 3) Disagree
12.1% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.9% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
4.3% 1) Strongly agree
50.1% 2) Agree
31.5% 3) Disagree
12.1% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.9% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-2)Item #2: a state without an army but with international forces
1.2% 1) Strongly agree
25.5% 2) Agree
53.7% 3) Disagree
18.8% 4) Strongly Disagree
0.8% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
1.2% 1) Strongly agree
25.5% 2) Agree
53.7% 3) Disagree
18.8% 4) Strongly Disagree
0.8% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-3)Item #3: East Jerusalem as capital of the state of Palestine after it is divided
1.0% 1) Strongly agree
34.7% 2) Agree
45.6% 3) Disagree
17.7% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.0% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
1.0% 1) Strongly agree
34.7% 2) Agree
45.6% 3) Disagree
17.7% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.0% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-4)Item #4: refugees with five options for permanent residence
1.9% 1) Strongly agree
37.7% 2) Agree
42.6% 3) Disagree
15.4% 4) Strongly Disagree
2.3% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
1.9% 1) Strongly agree
37.7% 2) Agree
42.6% 3) Disagree
15.4% 4) Strongly Disagree
2.3% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-5)Item #5: end of conflict
4.8% 1) Strongly agree
50.2% 2) Agree
31.4% 3) Disagree
12.6% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.0% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
4.8% 1) Strongly agree
50.2% 2) Agree
31.4% 3) Disagree
12.6% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.0% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-6)Item #6: a sovereign state with security arrangements
2.4% 1) Strongly agree
32.5% 2) Agree
46.4% 3) Disagree
17.1% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.5% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
2.4% 1) Strongly agree
32.5% 2) Agree
46.4% 3) Disagree
17.1% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.5% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-7)Item #7: the combined elements as one permanent status settlement
1.3% 1) Strongly agree
39.7% 2) Agree
42.7% 3) Disagree
14.7% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.5% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
1.3% 1) Strongly agree
39.7% 2) Agree
42.7% 3) Disagree
14.7% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.5% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
51)Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I..
13.9% 1) Strongly support
34.2% 2) Support
41.9% 3) Oppose
7.3% 4) Strongly oppose
2.8% 5) DK/NA
13.9% 1) Strongly support
34.2% 2) Support
41.9% 3) Oppose
7.3% 4) Strongly oppose
2.8% 5) DK/NA
PSR - Survey Research Unit: Public Opinion Poll # 30
22 December 2008
PSR - Survey Research Unit: Public Opinion Poll # 30
22 December 2008
These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip between 3 and 5 December 2008. Total size of the sample is 1270 adults, 830 in the West Bank and 440 in the Gaza Strip, interviewed face to face in 127 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is 3%. For further details, contact PSR director, Dr. Khalil Shikaki, or Walid Ladadweh at tel 02-296 4933 or email pcpsr@pcpsr.org.
00 )From among the following satellite news stations, which one you watched most during the last two months?
1 1) Al Arabia
50.3% 2) Al Jazeera
0.2% 3) Al Hurra
3.4% 4) Al Manar
11.1% 5) Palestine TV
13.1% 6) Al-Aqsa TV
8.0% 7) Do not watch TV
2.0% 8) Others
1.7% 9) Do not have a dish
0.2% 9) No Opinion/Don't know
01)In general, how would you describe conditions of the Palestinians in the Palestinian areas in Gaza Strip these days?
1.1% 1) Very good
4.6% 2) Good
5.8% 3) So so
32.5% 4) Bad
55.1% 5) Very bad
0.9% 6) DK/NA
02)In general, how would you describe conditions of the Palestinians in the Palestinian areas in the West Bank these days?
5.2% 1) Very good
21.2% 2) Good
31.1% 3) So so
26.8% 4) Bad
13.5% 5) Very bad
2.2% 6) DK/NA
03)Generally, do you see yourself as:
50.1% 1) Religious
46.7% 2) Somewhat religious
3.1% 3) Not religious
0.1% 4) DK/NA
04)Generally, do you see yourself as:
68.5% 1) Supportive of the peace process
17.1% 2) Opposed to the peace process
13.7% 3) Between support and opposition
0.7% 4) DK/NA
05)Do you think that there is corruption in PA institutions under the control of President Abu Mazin?
68.4% 1) Yes
19.4% 2) No
12.2% 3) DK/NA
06)If yes, will this corruption in PA institutions under the control of President Abu Mazin increase, decrease or remain as it is in the future?
55.6% 1) Will increase
14.6% 2) Will remain as it is
22.9% 3) will decrease
7.0% 4) DK/NA
07)How would you evaluate the current status of democracy and human rights in the Palestinian Authority under Abu Mazin? Would you say it is:
6.4% 1) Very good
29.8% 2) Good
21.4% 3) neither bad nor good
23.4% 4) Bad
15.5% 5) Very bad
3.6% 6) DK/NA
08)How would you evaluate the current status of democracy and human rights in the Gaza Strip under Ismail Hanyieh government? Would you say it is:
5.0% 1) Very good
19.9% 2) Good
17.1% 3) Fair
25.5% 4) Bad
23.5% 5) Very bad
8.9% 6) DK/NA
09)Would you say that these days your security and safety, and that of your family, is assured or not assured?
6.8% 1) Completely assured
46.3% 2) Assured
39.9% 3) Not assured
6.6% 4) Not assured at all
0.4% 5) DK/NA
10)Do current political, security, and economic conditions lead you to seek emigration abroad?
12.4% 1) Certainly seek to emigration
18.2% 2) Seek emigration
31.9% 3) Do not seek emigration
37.5% 4) Certainly do not seek emigration
5) DK/NA
11)Tell us how do you evaluate the performance of the dismissed government of Ismail Haniyeh in the Gaza Strip? Is it good or bad?
9.5% 1) Very Good
26.2% 2) Good
20.2% 3) Neither good nor bad
24.9% 4) Bad
10.8% 5) Very Bad
8.5% 6) No Opinion/Don't know
12)Tell us how do you evaluate the performance of the government headed by Salam Fayyad? Is it good or bad?
6.4% 1) Very Good
27.8% 2) Good
23.6% 3) Neither good nor bad
23.2% 4) Bad
10.7% 5) Very Bad
8.3% 6) No Opinion/Don't know
13)Are you satisfied or not satisfied with the performance of Mahmud Abbas since his election as president of the PA?
6.0% 1) Very satisfied
39.6% 2) Satisfied
35.2% 3) Not satisfied
15.0% 4) not satisfied at all
4.3% 5) DK/NA
14)If new presidential elections are to take place today, and Mahmud Abbas was nominated by Fateh and Ismail Haniyeh was nominated by Hamas, whom would you vote for?
47.5% 1) Mahmud Abbas
38.3% 2) Ismail Haniyeh
14.2% 3 DK/NA
15)And if the competition was between Marwan Barghouti representing Fateh and Ismail Haniyeh representing Hamas, whom would you vote for?
58.6% 1) Marwan Barghouti
32.4% 2) Ismail Haniyeh
8.9% 3) No Opinion/ Don't know
17)If new elections agreed to by all factions are held today and the same lists that took part in the last PLC elections were nominated, for whom would you vote?
1.9% 1) alternative
2.2% 2) independent Palestine
2.8% 3) Abu Ali Mustafa
0.7% 4) Abu al Abbas
0.0% 5) freedom and social justice
28.1% 6) change and reform
0.3% 7) national coalition for justice and democracy
1.3% 8) third way
0.5% 9) freedom and independence
0.3% 10) Palestinian justice
41.5% 11) Fateh
20.4% 12) none of the above/ DK/NA
18)After the separation between Gaza and the West Bank, Hamas and the government of Ismail Haniyeh remained in power in Gaza and considered itself the legitimate government while president Abu Mazin formed a new government headed by Salam Fayyad and it too considered itself legitimate. What about you, which of the two government you consider legitimate, the government of Haniyeh or the government of Abu Mazin and Fayyad?
28.1% 1) Haniyehs' government is the legitimate one
29.5% 2) Abu Mazin's and Fayyad government is the legitimate one
8.5% 3) Both governments are legitimate
28.9% 4) Both governments are not legitimate
5.1% 5) DK/NA
19)Hamas says that the term of PA president ends four years after the date of his election as stated by the Basic Law and that it will not recognize his legitimacy after the end of the term. The PA on the other hand says that the term of the current president extends to five, not four, years being an exceptional case as stated by the Election Law. When in your view does the term of President Mahmud Abbas end?
64.1% 1) four years after his election, i.e., January 2009
24.3% 2) five years after his election, i.e., in January 2010
11.6% 3) DK/NA
20)If you believe that the term of the PA president ends in January 2009, who in your view should be the president of the PA after this date?
14.5% 1) PLC Speaker
7.1% 2) Abbas should stay president
72.4% 3) new elections should be conducted
1.7% 4) other
4.3% 5) DK/NA
21)And what if Fateh-Hamas reconciliation completely failed, would you in this case support holding legislative and presidential elections in the West Bank while postponing elections in the Gaza Strip until after reconciliation is achieved?
6.7% 1) certainly support it
33.6% 2) support it
41.5% 3) oppose it
14.9% 4) Certainly oppose it
3.3% 5) DK/NA
22)President Mahmud Abbas and Fateh blamed Hamas for the failure of the national dialogue which was planned to take place in Cairo last month while Hamas said it boycotted the dialogue because of the arrest of its members by the PA in the West Bank. Who in your view is responsible for the failure of the Fateh-Hamas dialogue and reconciliation: Fateh and president Abbas or Hamas?
20.4% 1) Fateh and president Abbas
22.5% 2) Hamas
45.6% 3) both
3.2% 4) neither one
1.7% 5) others
6.5% 6) DK/NA
22b)President Mahmud Abbas announced that if reconciliation between Fateh and Hamas fails, he will call for simultaneous presidential and legislative elections early next year. Do you support or oppose his call?
15.6% 1) strongly support
57.5% 2) support
18.3% 3) oppose
5.5% 4) strongly oppose
3.1% 5) DK/NA
23)In your view, what is the main reason for Hamas's boycott of the dialogue and reconciliation meeting in Cairo last month?
29.9% 1) arrest of its members in the West Bank
26.0% 2) External pressure on Hamas
9.8% 3) due to Egyptian tilt in favor of Fateh against Hamas
17.2% 4) due to divisions inside Hamas
4.4% 5) others, specify
12.6% 6) DK/NA
24)In your view who is responsible for the continued split of the PA between Gaza and the West Bank, Fateh or Hamas?
19.4% 1) Hamas
17.6% 2) Fateh
54.9% 3) both
3.3% 4) None of them
2.2% 5) others, specify
2.6% 6) DK/NA
25)The Palestinian Authority has deployed a security force in Hebron, do you think the presence of this force will lead to:
45.2% 1) will lead to enforcement of law and order and will deliver safety to residents
47.7% 2) will not lead to enforcement of law and order and will not deliver safety to residents
7.1% 3) DK/NA
26)In your view, what is the goal behind deploying the Palestinian security force in Hebron?
31.4% 1) enforce law and order
31.2% 2) disarm resistance groups
22.8% 3) both of the above
8.7% 4) none of them
6.0% 5) DK/NA
27)If Egypt succeeded in reconciling Fateh and Hamas and early legislative and presidential elections were held in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which of the following issues will dominate the thinking of the voters and will have an influence on the election results?
12.1% 1) fighting corruption
7.5% 2) continuation of the armed struggle against occupation
7.6% 3) continuation of the peace process
39.0% 4) ending the siege and improving living conditions
29.3% 5) unification of the West Bank and Gaza and achieving national unity
2.2% 6) DK/NA
2.3% 7)other
28)Now, after six months have passed since the ceasefire went into effect in the Gaza Strip, do you support or oppose its continuation?
14.0% 1) certainly support
60.3% 2) support
19.8% 3) oppose
3.4% 4) certainly oppose
2.5% 5) DK/NA
29)There is a proposal that after the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and the settlemnet of all issues in dispute, including the refugees and Jerusalem issues, there will be a mutual recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinians people. Do you agree or disagree to this proposal?
7.4% 1) Definitely agree
45.1% 2) agree
33.2% 3) disagree
12.6% 4) definitely disagree
1.7% 5) DK/NA
30)And what is the Palestinian majority opinion on this issue? Do most Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza support or oppose the recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinian people at the end of the peace process?
47.9% 1) Majority supports
41.8% 2) Majority opposes
10.3% 3) DK/NA
31)And what is the Israeli majority opinion on this issue? Do most Israelis support or oppose the recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinian people at the end of the peace process?
38.3% 1) Majority supports
49.4% 2) Majority opposes
12.3% 3) DK/NA
32)Now 40 years after the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, what in your view are the chances for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state next to the state of Israel in the next five years? Are they high, medium, low, or none existent?
34.6% 1) None existent
34.9% 2) Low
23.9% 3) Medium
4.8% 4) High
1.8% 5) DK/NA
Now following Obama's election for presidency in the US, I would like to ask you a few questions on the expected US policy regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict:
Some people expect a strong American role in trying to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, including pressure on both sides to the conflict to compromise important national interests. What do you expect to happen?
29.0% 1) The US will now lay a stronger role
7.4% 2) The US will play a weaker role
59.0% 3) US role will not change
4.6% 4) DK/NA
34)What do you want president Obama to do? Do you want him to play a stronger role in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process or do you want him not to intervene in the peace process?
57.0% 1) I want a stronger role for the US in the peace process
3.8% 2) I want the US to continue to play its current role in the peace process
34.9% 3) I want the US not to intervene in the peace process
4.3% 4) DK/NA
35)If the US under president Obama plays a strong role in the peace process, do you think this would bring about a successful or failed Palestinian-Israeli peace process?
19.7% 1) Certainly will lead to successful process
29.6% 2) Think it will lead to successful process
15.6% 3) Will not have an impact
21.1% 4) Think it will lead to failed process
8.6% 5) Certainly will lead to failed process
5.4% 6) DK/NA
36)Who in your opinion would benefit more if the US intervened strongly in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, Israel or the Palestinians?
65.9% 1) Israel
10.2% 2) Palestinians
3.8% 3) Neither side
17.8% 4) Both sides
2.4% 5) DK/NA
37)In your opinion will the US military economic and political support of Israel change?
6.7% 1) The US support will weaken
56.4% 2) The US support will strengthen
28.9% 3) The US support will not change
7.9% 4) DK/NA
38)According to the Saudi plan, Israel will retreat from all territories occupied in 1967 including Gaza the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, and a Palestinian state will be established. The refugees problem will be resoved through negotiation in a just and agreed upon manner and in accordance with UN resolution 194 which allows return of refugees to Israel and compensation. In return, all Arab states will recognize Israel and its right to secure borders, will sign peace treaties with her and establish normal diplomatic relations. Do you agree or disagree to this plan?
9.2% 1) Certainly agree
56.7% 2) agree
22.6% 3) disagree
7.8% 4) Certainly disagree
3.6% 5) DK/NA
39)If the US under president Obama decides to pressure the Palestinians and the Israeli sides to accept and implement the Arab or Saudi Peace Initiative, do you think the Palestinian side should accept or reject this American intervention?
56.0% 1) Accept
39.1% 2) Reject
4.9% 3) DK/NA
40)What in your opinion will be the attitude of most Israelis to such American intervention - would they accept or reject it?
49.2% 1) Accept
43.0% 2) Reject
7.8% 3) DK/NA
41)When Palestinians and Israelis return to final status negotiations the following items might be presented to negotiators as the elements of a permanent compromise settlement. Tell us what you think of each item then tell us what you think of all combined as one permanent status settlement
41-1)Item #1: withdrawal to 1967 borders with territorial swap
4.3% 1) Strongly agree
50.1% 2) Agree
31.5% 3) Disagree
12.1% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.9% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-2)Item #2: a state without an army but with international forces
1.2% 1) Strongly agree
25.5% 2) Agree
53.7% 3) Disagree
18.8% 4) Strongly Disagree
0.8% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-3)Item #3: East Jerusalem as capital of the state of Palestine after it is divided
1.0% 1) Strongly agree
34.7% 2) Agree
45.6% 3) Disagree
17.7% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.0% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-4)Item #4: refugees with five options for permanent residence
1.9% 1) Strongly agree
37.7% 2) Agree
42.6% 3) Disagree
15.4% 4) Strongly Disagree
2.3% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-5)Item #5: end of conflict
4.8% 1) Strongly agree
50.2% 2) Agree
31.4% 3) Disagree
12.6% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.0% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-6)Item #6: a sovereign state with security arrangements
2.4% 1) Strongly agree
32.5% 2) Agree
46.4% 3) Disagree
17.1% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.5% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-7)Item #7: the combined elements as one permanent status settlement
00 )From among the following satellite news stations, which one you watched most during the last two months?
1 1) Al Arabia
50.3% 2) Al Jazeera
0.2% 3) Al Hurra
3.4% 4) Al Manar
11.1% 5) Palestine TV
13.1% 6) Al-Aqsa TV
8.0% 7) Do not watch TV
2.0% 8) Others
1.7% 9) Do not have a dish
0.2% 9) No Opinion/Don't know
01)In general, how would you describe conditions of the Palestinians in the Palestinian areas in Gaza Strip these days?
1.1% 1) Very good
4.6% 2) Good
5.8% 3) So so
32.5% 4) Bad
55.1% 5) Very bad
0.9% 6) DK/NA
02)In general, how would you describe conditions of the Palestinians in the Palestinian areas in the West Bank these days?
5.2% 1) Very good
21.2% 2) Good
31.1% 3) So so
26.8% 4) Bad
13.5% 5) Very bad
2.2% 6) DK/NA
03)Generally, do you see yourself as:
50.1% 1) Religious
46.7% 2) Somewhat religious
3.1% 3) Not religious
0.1% 4) DK/NA
04)Generally, do you see yourself as:
68.5% 1) Supportive of the peace process
17.1% 2) Opposed to the peace process
13.7% 3) Between support and opposition
0.7% 4) DK/NA
05)Do you think that there is corruption in PA institutions under the control of President Abu Mazin?
68.4% 1) Yes
19.4% 2) No
12.2% 3) DK/NA
06)If yes, will this corruption in PA institutions under the control of President Abu Mazin increase, decrease or remain as it is in the future?
55.6% 1) Will increase
14.6% 2) Will remain as it is
22.9% 3) will decrease
7.0% 4) DK/NA
07)How would you evaluate the current status of democracy and human rights in the Palestinian Authority under Abu Mazin? Would you say it is:
6.4% 1) Very good
29.8% 2) Good
21.4% 3) neither bad nor good
23.4% 4) Bad
15.5% 5) Very bad
3.6% 6) DK/NA
08)How would you evaluate the current status of democracy and human rights in the Gaza Strip under Ismail Hanyieh government? Would you say it is:
5.0% 1) Very good
19.9% 2) Good
17.1% 3) Fair
25.5% 4) Bad
23.5% 5) Very bad
8.9% 6) DK/NA
09)Would you say that these days your security and safety, and that of your family, is assured or not assured?
6.8% 1) Completely assured
46.3% 2) Assured
39.9% 3) Not assured
6.6% 4) Not assured at all
0.4% 5) DK/NA
10)Do current political, security, and economic conditions lead you to seek emigration abroad?
12.4% 1) Certainly seek to emigration
18.2% 2) Seek emigration
31.9% 3) Do not seek emigration
37.5% 4) Certainly do not seek emigration
5) DK/NA
11)Tell us how do you evaluate the performance of the dismissed government of Ismail Haniyeh in the Gaza Strip? Is it good or bad?
9.5% 1) Very Good
26.2% 2) Good
20.2% 3) Neither good nor bad
24.9% 4) Bad
10.8% 5) Very Bad
8.5% 6) No Opinion/Don't know
12)Tell us how do you evaluate the performance of the government headed by Salam Fayyad? Is it good or bad?
6.4% 1) Very Good
27.8% 2) Good
23.6% 3) Neither good nor bad
23.2% 4) Bad
10.7% 5) Very Bad
8.3% 6) No Opinion/Don't know
13)Are you satisfied or not satisfied with the performance of Mahmud Abbas since his election as president of the PA?
6.0% 1) Very satisfied
39.6% 2) Satisfied
35.2% 3) Not satisfied
15.0% 4) not satisfied at all
4.3% 5) DK/NA
14)If new presidential elections are to take place today, and Mahmud Abbas was nominated by Fateh and Ismail Haniyeh was nominated by Hamas, whom would you vote for?
47.5% 1) Mahmud Abbas
38.3% 2) Ismail Haniyeh
14.2% 3 DK/NA
15)And if the competition was between Marwan Barghouti representing Fateh and Ismail Haniyeh representing Hamas, whom would you vote for?
58.6% 1) Marwan Barghouti
32.4% 2) Ismail Haniyeh
8.9% 3) No Opinion/ Don't know
17)If new elections agreed to by all factions are held today and the same lists that took part in the last PLC elections were nominated, for whom would you vote?
1.9% 1) alternative
2.2% 2) independent Palestine
2.8% 3) Abu Ali Mustafa
0.7% 4) Abu al Abbas
0.0% 5) freedom and social justice
28.1% 6) change and reform
0.3% 7) national coalition for justice and democracy
1.3% 8) third way
0.5% 9) freedom and independence
0.3% 10) Palestinian justice
41.5% 11) Fateh
20.4% 12) none of the above/ DK/NA
18)After the separation between Gaza and the West Bank, Hamas and the government of Ismail Haniyeh remained in power in Gaza and considered itself the legitimate government while president Abu Mazin formed a new government headed by Salam Fayyad and it too considered itself legitimate. What about you, which of the two government you consider legitimate, the government of Haniyeh or the government of Abu Mazin and Fayyad?
28.1% 1) Haniyehs' government is the legitimate one
29.5% 2) Abu Mazin's and Fayyad government is the legitimate one
8.5% 3) Both governments are legitimate
28.9% 4) Both governments are not legitimate
5.1% 5) DK/NA
19)Hamas says that the term of PA president ends four years after the date of his election as stated by the Basic Law and that it will not recognize his legitimacy after the end of the term. The PA on the other hand says that the term of the current president extends to five, not four, years being an exceptional case as stated by the Election Law. When in your view does the term of President Mahmud Abbas end?
64.1% 1) four years after his election, i.e., January 2009
24.3% 2) five years after his election, i.e., in January 2010
11.6% 3) DK/NA
20)If you believe that the term of the PA president ends in January 2009, who in your view should be the president of the PA after this date?
14.5% 1) PLC Speaker
7.1% 2) Abbas should stay president
72.4% 3) new elections should be conducted
1.7% 4) other
4.3% 5) DK/NA
21)And what if Fateh-Hamas reconciliation completely failed, would you in this case support holding legislative and presidential elections in the West Bank while postponing elections in the Gaza Strip until after reconciliation is achieved?
6.7% 1) certainly support it
33.6% 2) support it
41.5% 3) oppose it
14.9% 4) Certainly oppose it
3.3% 5) DK/NA
22)President Mahmud Abbas and Fateh blamed Hamas for the failure of the national dialogue which was planned to take place in Cairo last month while Hamas said it boycotted the dialogue because of the arrest of its members by the PA in the West Bank. Who in your view is responsible for the failure of the Fateh-Hamas dialogue and reconciliation: Fateh and president Abbas or Hamas?
20.4% 1) Fateh and president Abbas
22.5% 2) Hamas
45.6% 3) both
3.2% 4) neither one
1.7% 5) others
6.5% 6) DK/NA
22b)President Mahmud Abbas announced that if reconciliation between Fateh and Hamas fails, he will call for simultaneous presidential and legislative elections early next year. Do you support or oppose his call?
15.6% 1) strongly support
57.5% 2) support
18.3% 3) oppose
5.5% 4) strongly oppose
3.1% 5) DK/NA
23)In your view, what is the main reason for Hamas's boycott of the dialogue and reconciliation meeting in Cairo last month?
29.9% 1) arrest of its members in the West Bank
26.0% 2) External pressure on Hamas
9.8% 3) due to Egyptian tilt in favor of Fateh against Hamas
17.2% 4) due to divisions inside Hamas
4.4% 5) others, specify
12.6% 6) DK/NA
24)In your view who is responsible for the continued split of the PA between Gaza and the West Bank, Fateh or Hamas?
19.4% 1) Hamas
17.6% 2) Fateh
54.9% 3) both
3.3% 4) None of them
2.2% 5) others, specify
2.6% 6) DK/NA
25)The Palestinian Authority has deployed a security force in Hebron, do you think the presence of this force will lead to:
45.2% 1) will lead to enforcement of law and order and will deliver safety to residents
47.7% 2) will not lead to enforcement of law and order and will not deliver safety to residents
7.1% 3) DK/NA
26)In your view, what is the goal behind deploying the Palestinian security force in Hebron?
31.4% 1) enforce law and order
31.2% 2) disarm resistance groups
22.8% 3) both of the above
8.7% 4) none of them
6.0% 5) DK/NA
27)If Egypt succeeded in reconciling Fateh and Hamas and early legislative and presidential elections were held in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which of the following issues will dominate the thinking of the voters and will have an influence on the election results?
12.1% 1) fighting corruption
7.5% 2) continuation of the armed struggle against occupation
7.6% 3) continuation of the peace process
39.0% 4) ending the siege and improving living conditions
29.3% 5) unification of the West Bank and Gaza and achieving national unity
2.2% 6) DK/NA
2.3% 7)other
28)Now, after six months have passed since the ceasefire went into effect in the Gaza Strip, do you support or oppose its continuation?
14.0% 1) certainly support
60.3% 2) support
19.8% 3) oppose
3.4% 4) certainly oppose
2.5% 5) DK/NA
29)There is a proposal that after the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and the settlemnet of all issues in dispute, including the refugees and Jerusalem issues, there will be a mutual recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinians people. Do you agree or disagree to this proposal?
7.4% 1) Definitely agree
45.1% 2) agree
33.2% 3) disagree
12.6% 4) definitely disagree
1.7% 5) DK/NA
30)And what is the Palestinian majority opinion on this issue? Do most Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza support or oppose the recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinian people at the end of the peace process?
47.9% 1) Majority supports
41.8% 2) Majority opposes
10.3% 3) DK/NA
31)And what is the Israeli majority opinion on this issue? Do most Israelis support or oppose the recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and Palestine as the state of the Palestinian people at the end of the peace process?
38.3% 1) Majority supports
49.4% 2) Majority opposes
12.3% 3) DK/NA
32)Now 40 years after the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, what in your view are the chances for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state next to the state of Israel in the next five years? Are they high, medium, low, or none existent?
34.6% 1) None existent
34.9% 2) Low
23.9% 3) Medium
4.8% 4) High
1.8% 5) DK/NA
Now following Obama's election for presidency in the US, I would like to ask you a few questions on the expected US policy regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict:
Some people expect a strong American role in trying to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, including pressure on both sides to the conflict to compromise important national interests. What do you expect to happen?
29.0% 1) The US will now lay a stronger role
7.4% 2) The US will play a weaker role
59.0% 3) US role will not change
4.6% 4) DK/NA
34)What do you want president Obama to do? Do you want him to play a stronger role in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process or do you want him not to intervene in the peace process?
57.0% 1) I want a stronger role for the US in the peace process
3.8% 2) I want the US to continue to play its current role in the peace process
34.9% 3) I want the US not to intervene in the peace process
4.3% 4) DK/NA
35)If the US under president Obama plays a strong role in the peace process, do you think this would bring about a successful or failed Palestinian-Israeli peace process?
19.7% 1) Certainly will lead to successful process
29.6% 2) Think it will lead to successful process
15.6% 3) Will not have an impact
21.1% 4) Think it will lead to failed process
8.6% 5) Certainly will lead to failed process
5.4% 6) DK/NA
36)Who in your opinion would benefit more if the US intervened strongly in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, Israel or the Palestinians?
65.9% 1) Israel
10.2% 2) Palestinians
3.8% 3) Neither side
17.8% 4) Both sides
2.4% 5) DK/NA
37)In your opinion will the US military economic and political support of Israel change?
6.7% 1) The US support will weaken
56.4% 2) The US support will strengthen
28.9% 3) The US support will not change
7.9% 4) DK/NA
38)According to the Saudi plan, Israel will retreat from all territories occupied in 1967 including Gaza the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, and a Palestinian state will be established. The refugees problem will be resoved through negotiation in a just and agreed upon manner and in accordance with UN resolution 194 which allows return of refugees to Israel and compensation. In return, all Arab states will recognize Israel and its right to secure borders, will sign peace treaties with her and establish normal diplomatic relations. Do you agree or disagree to this plan?
9.2% 1) Certainly agree
56.7% 2) agree
22.6% 3) disagree
7.8% 4) Certainly disagree
3.6% 5) DK/NA
39)If the US under president Obama decides to pressure the Palestinians and the Israeli sides to accept and implement the Arab or Saudi Peace Initiative, do you think the Palestinian side should accept or reject this American intervention?
56.0% 1) Accept
39.1% 2) Reject
4.9% 3) DK/NA
40)What in your opinion will be the attitude of most Israelis to such American intervention - would they accept or reject it?
49.2% 1) Accept
43.0% 2) Reject
7.8% 3) DK/NA
41)When Palestinians and Israelis return to final status negotiations the following items might be presented to negotiators as the elements of a permanent compromise settlement. Tell us what you think of each item then tell us what you think of all combined as one permanent status settlement
41-1)Item #1: withdrawal to 1967 borders with territorial swap
4.3% 1) Strongly agree
50.1% 2) Agree
31.5% 3) Disagree
12.1% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.9% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-2)Item #2: a state without an army but with international forces
1.2% 1) Strongly agree
25.5% 2) Agree
53.7% 3) Disagree
18.8% 4) Strongly Disagree
0.8% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-3)Item #3: East Jerusalem as capital of the state of Palestine after it is divided
1.0% 1) Strongly agree
34.7% 2) Agree
45.6% 3) Disagree
17.7% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.0% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-4)Item #4: refugees with five options for permanent residence
1.9% 1) Strongly agree
37.7% 2) Agree
42.6% 3) Disagree
15.4% 4) Strongly Disagree
2.3% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-5)Item #5: end of conflict
4.8% 1) Strongly agree
50.2% 2) Agree
31.4% 3) Disagree
12.6% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.0% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-6)Item #6: a sovereign state with security arrangements
2.4% 1) Strongly agree
32.5% 2) Agree
46.4% 3) Disagree
17.1% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.5% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
41-7)Item #7: the combined elements as one permanent status settlement
1.3% 1) Strongly agree
39.7% 2) Agree
42.7% 3) Disagree
14.7% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.5% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
42)And what is the Palestinian majority opinion on this combined package for a permanent status settlement? Do most Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza support or oppose this combined final status package?
45.0% 1) Majority supports
46.0% 2) Majority opposes
9.0% 3) DK/NA
43)And what is the Israeli majority opinion on this combined package for a permanent status settlement? Do most Israelis support or oppose this combined final status package?
40.1% 1) Majority supports
48.0% 2) Majority opposes
12.0% 3) DK/NA
44)If the US under president Obama decides to pressure the Palestinians and the Israeli sides to accept and implement this compromise permanent settlement as outlined above in the six items, do you think the Palestinian side should accept or reject this American intervention?
46.5% 1) Accept
48.5% 2) Reject
5.0% 3) DK/NA
45)What in your opinion will be the attitude of most Israelis to such American intervention - would they accept or reject it?
55.5% 1) Accept
36.4% 2) Reject
8.2% 3) DK/NA
49) If a peace agreement is reached, and a Palestinian state is established and recognized by Israel, would you support or oppose the efforts to reach full reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinian state?
8.7% 1) Would strongly support
63.4% 2) Would support
19.0% 3) Would oppose
7.3% 4) Would strongly oppose
1.5% 5) DK/NA
50)And what are your expectations regarding the chances for the success or failure of the negotiations launched by Annapolis conference? Will it succeed or fail in ending Israeli occupation?
1.2% 1) certainly will succeed
13.9% 2) will succeed
49.8% 3) will fail
25.3% 4) certainly will fail
9.7% 5) DK/NA
51)Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I..
13.9% 1) Strongly support
34.2% 2) Support
41.9% 3) Oppose
7.3% 4) Strongly oppose
2.8% 5) DK/NA
52)Israel will hold elections for the Knesset after about two months. Which party you think will be the largest in the next Israeli Knesset?
31.5% 1) The Likud under Benjamin Netanyahu
18.2% 2) Kadima under Tsibi Livni
18.4% 3) Labor under Ehud Barak
0.7% 4) Other, specify
31.1% 5) DK/NA
53)In your view, what impact these Israeli elections will have on the current Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the chances for reaching an agreement?
23.4% 1) will lead to cessation of negotiations and no agreement will be reached
47.1% 2) Will have no impact on negotiations or the chances to reach an agreement
17.5% 3) will enhance the chances to reach a Palestinian-Israeli agreement
12.0% 4) DK/NA
54)What do you expect to happen between Palestinians and Israelis, now that Barack Obama has been elected as president of the US?
15.4% 1) Negotiations will resume soon enough and armed confrontations will stop
45.4% 2) Negotiations will resume but some armed attacks will continue
30.6% 3) Armed confrontations will not stop and the two sides will not return to negotiations
8.7% 4) DK/NA
55)Which of the following political parties do you support?
1.0% 1) PPP
3.9% 2) PFLP
31.7% 3) Fateh
20.4% 4) Hamas
0.1% 5) DFLP
1.5% 6) Islamic Jihad
0.0% 7) Fida
1.0% 8) National Initiative (Mubadara)
2.6% 9) Independent Islamists
4.0% 10) Independent Nationalists
32.9% 11) None of the above
0.7% 12) Other, specify
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
39.7% 2) Agree
42.7% 3) Disagree
14.7% 4) Strongly Disagree
1.5% 5) No Opinion /Don't Know
42)And what is the Palestinian majority opinion on this combined package for a permanent status settlement? Do most Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza support or oppose this combined final status package?
45.0% 1) Majority supports
46.0% 2) Majority opposes
9.0% 3) DK/NA
43)And what is the Israeli majority opinion on this combined package for a permanent status settlement? Do most Israelis support or oppose this combined final status package?
40.1% 1) Majority supports
48.0% 2) Majority opposes
12.0% 3) DK/NA
44)If the US under president Obama decides to pressure the Palestinians and the Israeli sides to accept and implement this compromise permanent settlement as outlined above in the six items, do you think the Palestinian side should accept or reject this American intervention?
46.5% 1) Accept
48.5% 2) Reject
5.0% 3) DK/NA
45)What in your opinion will be the attitude of most Israelis to such American intervention - would they accept or reject it?
55.5% 1) Accept
36.4% 2) Reject
8.2% 3) DK/NA
49) If a peace agreement is reached, and a Palestinian state is established and recognized by Israel, would you support or oppose the efforts to reach full reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinian state?
8.7% 1) Would strongly support
63.4% 2) Would support
19.0% 3) Would oppose
7.3% 4) Would strongly oppose
1.5% 5) DK/NA
50)And what are your expectations regarding the chances for the success or failure of the negotiations launched by Annapolis conference? Will it succeed or fail in ending Israeli occupation?
1.2% 1) certainly will succeed
13.9% 2) will succeed
49.8% 3) will fail
25.3% 4) certainly will fail
9.7% 5) DK/NA
51)Concerning armed attacks against Israeli civilians inside Israel, I..
13.9% 1) Strongly support
34.2% 2) Support
41.9% 3) Oppose
7.3% 4) Strongly oppose
2.8% 5) DK/NA
52)Israel will hold elections for the Knesset after about two months. Which party you think will be the largest in the next Israeli Knesset?
31.5% 1) The Likud under Benjamin Netanyahu
18.2% 2) Kadima under Tsibi Livni
18.4% 3) Labor under Ehud Barak
0.7% 4) Other, specify
31.1% 5) DK/NA
53)In your view, what impact these Israeli elections will have on the current Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the chances for reaching an agreement?
23.4% 1) will lead to cessation of negotiations and no agreement will be reached
47.1% 2) Will have no impact on negotiations or the chances to reach an agreement
17.5% 3) will enhance the chances to reach a Palestinian-Israeli agreement
12.0% 4) DK/NA
54)What do you expect to happen between Palestinians and Israelis, now that Barack Obama has been elected as president of the US?
15.4% 1) Negotiations will resume soon enough and armed confrontations will stop
45.4% 2) Negotiations will resume but some armed attacks will continue
30.6% 3) Armed confrontations will not stop and the two sides will not return to negotiations
8.7% 4) DK/NA
55)Which of the following political parties do you support?
1.0% 1) PPP
3.9% 2) PFLP
31.7% 3) Fateh
20.4% 4) Hamas
0.1% 5) DFLP
1.5% 6) Islamic Jihad
0.0% 7) Fida
1.0% 8) National Initiative (Mubadara)
2.6% 9) Independent Islamists
4.0% 10) Independent Nationalists
32.9% 11) None of the above
0.7% 12) Other, specify
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il
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