maandag 22 december 2008

Bethlehem onder het juk van de Zionisten

De tijjd van de sentimentele verhalen - sorry, stemmige reportages - over de onderdrukking door Israel van de Palestijnse christenen in Bethlehem en elders is weer aangebroken. Deze praktijk is niet nieuw, en vertoont overeenkomsten met de klassieke bloodlibels waarin de Joden christenen zouden gebruiken voor hun paasbrood en Jezus zouden hebben vermoord.
Al in 1921 publiceerden Britse kranten leugenachtige berichten over de vermeende onderdrukking door de zionisten - ondanks het feit dat zij nauwelijks enige macht hadden. De machthebbers waren de Britten zelf. 
Bekijk de kerstverhalen over de Palestijnse christenen dan ook met enig wantrouwen. Zij hebben het zeker niet makkelijk, maar dat ligt evenzeer aan de intolerantie van radikale moslims als aan de bezetting. Zij voelen zich echter niet vrij daarover openlijk te spreken, afhankelijk als ze zijn van de islamitische Palestijnse gemeenschap. 
Happy Hanukkah - the Zionist Holiday.

Each year at Christmas, it seems, British journals expose the plight of Christian Arabs in the little town of Bethlehem, suffering under the Zionist yoke. According to one account, "Under the Zionist Yoke," the Arabs of Bethlehem are weary of the contempt with with they are held by the Zionist authorities and the Jews. 7,000 of them emigrated from Bethlehem.

Don't rush off to write protests to the Israeli authorities, however. The article in question appeared in the London Morning Post, out of season, in June of 1921. The British High Commissioner, rather that the Israel Ministry of Foreign affairs replied that between 1910 and 1920, about 4,500 people had left Bethlehem and 393 returned. In 1919/20 245 emigrated and 35 returned. In 1920/21, 185 had emigrated and 65 returned. The total estimated population was 15,000. (Proceedings of the Colonial Office 733/4/File 3832/166). The Morning Post established a tradition that was revived in recent years, and spread throughout the world. It is a modern blood libel tradition of publishing defamatory articles about Zionist treatment of Christians at Christmas time. Last year, the Wall Street Journal was among those bewailing the treatment of Christians in Bethlehem. This year, we are treated to new "revelations."

For example, this gem appeared in the Irish Times:

IN THE LITTLE town of Bethlehem there will be plenty of room at the inn this Christmas. Tourism has plummeted in areas of the Holy Land under the control of the Palestinian Authority...

For the first time in history the Holy Land is physically divided. The Palestinian West Bank of the River Jordan is enclosed by the Israeli "security barrier"...

Irish Times doesn't know it is not the first time the Holy Land is physically divided. The Holy Land was physically divided from 1949 to 1967. Barbed wire and mines separated Christians in Bethlehem from those in Nazareth, and kept Jews from visiting the wailing wall and other Jewish holy sites in East Jerusalem, which had been home to a sizable Jewish community until East Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed by the Jordanian Legion in 1948. Accordingly, East Jerusalem, which used to have dozens of synagogues, is now christened, "Arab East Jerusalem," a place in which Jews have no rights.

After the 1967 Six Day War and until the Palestinian Authority took control of Bethlehem, tourism boomed in Bethlehem. Israel invested in refurbishing Christian holy sites and the Israel Broadcasting Authority broadcast the Midnight Mass from Bethlehem each year at Christmas. When the Palestinians began the violence that they call the Second Intifada tourism died. Wanted PLO terrorists holed up in the Church of the Nativity.

The security fence did not kill the tourism. The terrorism killed the tourism.

Read the rest of Ami Isseroff 's article here.

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