De 'Triangel' is een gebied in Israël, grenzend aan de Westelijke Jordaanoever, waar voornamelijk Arabieren wonen. De rechts-nationalistische Israel Beiteinu partij heeft voorgesteld dit gebied te ruilen voor de grote nederzettingenblokken, en dit dus aan de Palestijnse Autoriteit over te dragen in een vredesverdrag.
Uit meerdere enquetes komt steeds naar voren dat een grote meerderheid van de Israëlische Arabieren daartegen is.
Poll of Arabs in Israel:
78%:18% Oppose transfer of Triangle to PA,
35% Don't plan to vote in Knesset elections if held now
Dr. Aaron Lerner
Dr. Aaron Lerner
Date: 27 December 2007
Telephone poll of a sample of 450 adult Arabs residing in the Galilee, Triangle and Negev (all in Israel) carried out for and published by the Al-Sennara newspaper (details per press release in Hebrew):
Do you support transferring the Triangle to the Palestinian Authority?
Favor 18%
Oppose 78%
What party would you vote for if elections held now?
Hadash 18%
What party would you vote for if elections held now?
Hadash 18%
Ra`am-Ta`al 15%
National Democratic Assembly 6%
Labor 8%
Labor 8%
Won't vote for any party 35% [rest refuse reply]
Who is your favorite MK?
Ahmad Tibi 27%
Who is your favorite MK?
Ahmad Tibi 27%
Mohammad Barakeh 16%
[Azmi Bishara was the third most popular MK (% not indicated) though has not been an MK for half a year]
[Azmi Bishara was the third most popular MK (% not indicated) though has not been an MK for half a year]
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
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