vrijdag 20 december 2013

UNRWA geeft alle schuld stormschade Gazastrook aan Israel


Onderstaande kritiek mag wat eenzijdig zijn, maar dat is de andere kant minstens zo zeer. De Israelische (en Egyptische) restricties op import en export van de Gazastrook dragen zeker ook bij aan de ellende, alleen al doordat Hamas erdoor wordt gedwongen (verkeerde) prioriteiten te stellen, maar de kritiek van UNRWA, Amnesty e.a. neigt ertoe om alles alleen maar aan Israel te wijten, terwijl de Palestijnen en met name Hamas eerst verantwoordelijke zijn – óók voor die restricties zelf.






UNRWA official uses sarcasm to falsely blame Israel alone for Gaza woes



Chris Gunness, UNRWA's liar-in-chief, continues to blame Israel for Gaza's lack of fuel and lack of infrastructure to handle the flooding.

As with Amnesty and others, UNRWA is using Gaza as an excuse to blame Israel for everything. The word "Hamas" and "Egypt" and "PA" hardly ever pass through these people's lips - the entire purpose for these NGOs to be in the Middle East is to blame Israel.


As thousands in the Gaza Strip remain displaced and streets across the coastal enclave are still flooded Tuesday, it is increasingly clear that the devastation caused by storm Alexa was not a purely natural phenomenon

Emergency response crews have been crippled by a lack of electricity to pump water and a lack of fuel to operate generators. But these conditions of scarcity are not a result of the storm. They were a fact of life even before the rain started falling, due to the Israeli-led siege and the severe limitations placed by Israel on imports and exports.

The severity of the storm’s effects and the seven years of siege the region has endured are connected by a near-total economic blockade that has led to a slow but steady collapse of infrastructure as well as a deeply weakened capacity for emergency response, a United Nations official charged Sunday. 

"Long term de-development of Gaza is the context in which (the storm) occurred," Chris Gunness of the UN's Palestine refugee agency UNRWA said in an interview.

"Before the rains, there was sewage flooding in the streets because sewage pumps did not have electricity to pump waste water," Gunness said, referring to a number of incidents in recent weeks.

"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out who's responsible for that."


UNRWA knows as well as anyone the reason Gaza was without power for the past six weeks and it was not at all because of Israel.  I would also tend to doubt that Israel has had any restrictions on water pumps for Gaza since 2009. Hamas doesn't know how to run a statelet and it doesn't know how to plan for emergencies.

If UNRWA had a shred of integrity, it would fire Gunness for his obvious bias and hate towards Israel. However, an organization that is built on lies - to support a group or "refugees" who are 99% non-refugees - is not bothered at all. 




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