zaterdag 26 februari 2011

Moslim Broederschap ziet vredesverdrag met Israel als niet-bindend

Vergelijkbare 'gematigde' geluiden hoor je soms ook uit de hoek van Hamas: dat men zich wil conformeren aan de wil van de meerderheid van het volk. Als de Moslim Broederschap echter als meest georganiseerde oppositiebeweging, met haar sociale programma's en reputatie van niet-corrupt, hoge ogen gooit in de verkiezingen die Egypte waarschijnlijk wachten, zal men dat waarschijnlijk ook als goedkeuring zien van haar wens om de vrede met Israel op te zeggen en Hamas te versterken, en ook als men daar een referendum over zou houden (maar het is moeilijk de MB als een soort D66 te zien...), is het zeer de vraag wat de bevolking zou stemmen. Egypte en Israel zouden weer in staat van oorlog kunnen komen, met alle gevolgen van dien.

Muslim Brotherhood says Camp David already null and void
Last week, a Muslim Brotherhood spokesman tried to allay fears that the group would rip up the Camp David agreement:
"The decision on the treaty does not belong to the Brotherhood, it belongs to the entire Egyptian people," said Essam al-Erian, a spokesman for the Islamist group, in an interview with Al Arabiya.

"The important thing is the position of the Egyptian people and not the Brotherhood," Erian said. "The Brotherhood will not impose their vision on the Egyptian people. The Brotherhood are part of society that accepts what the Egyptians accept and nobody can wipe out a treaty with a pen," he added.
To Iran, however, MB leaders are singing a different tune:
A senior member of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood said there is virtually no peace agreement with the Zionist regime following the recent developments in the country, adding that any treaty not approved by the Egyptian nation must be abrogated.

The Egyptian nation considers as null and void any agreement between the toppled regime and the Zionist regime which has no respect for justice and rights of the Egyptian people.

He said the world was witnessing massive changes. "People worldwide want to see unjust laws scraped. It is no surprise for the Egyptians to want the same," he said.

Halbavi then touched on the dismantling of Berlin wall, adding that following the dismantling, many previously signed treaties were abrogated.

He said the time was over for surrender to treaties which have brought humiliation to the Egyptian nation.

Halbavi also called for permanent opening of Gaza crossing and said the closing of the crossing has been a joint conspiracy by the US, Zionist regime and Mubarak's regime.
But of course the hard-line statements are simply posturing and the more moderate-sounding statements are the correct ones. Because it has to be that way in order for the media to continue with their memes of a progressive, socially-active, uninfluential, non-political Muslim Brotherhood.

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