zondag 31 oktober 2010

"Zionisten nemen het westen over door leugens en bedrog" volgens bekende Palestijnse journalist

Khaled Amayreh: The Israelis are trying to divert the attention of the world from the Nazi-like crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, by inventing an imaginary threat called Islamism. The people who are trying to take over the world, including superpowers... you know... are Zionism, not Muslims. Muslims are being persecuted all over the world. In Palestine, in Lebanon, and everywhere, Muslims are persecuted.

Aldus een bekende Palestijnse journalist die regelmatig als gezaghebbend wordt aangehaald in diverse media, en sinds een artikel van hem op de Hamas website werd geplaatst onder het pakkende citaat "Israel has no legitimacy, period", ook wel ten onrechte als 'Hamasleider' is aangeduid. Je zou hem daar inderdaad zomaar voor kunnen aanzien....

Palestinian Journalist Khaled Amayreh: The Zionist Jews Are Taking Over Europe and the U.S. by Lying and Mendacity

Following are excerpts from an interview with Palestinian journalist Khaled Amayreh, which aired on Press TV on October 8, 2010:

Khaled Amayreh: The Israelis are trying to divert the attention of the world from the Nazi-like crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, by inventing an imaginary threat called Islamism. The people who are trying to take over the world, including superpowers... you know... are Zionism, not Muslims. Muslims are being persecuted all over the world. In Palestine, in Lebanon, and everywhere, Muslims are persecuted.

The only people who are taking over Europe and the United States – they do that by lying and by mendacity – are the Zionist Jews. I want to just say something about the land...

Interviewer: ...promised by God [to the Jews].

Khaled Amayreh: Yes, yes, of course. [My colleague] is trying to legitimize land theft in the name of God, just like those colonizers in North America, who killed millions of Native Americans, and they called it "Manifest Destiny," and they celebrated genocide on a day called Thanksgiving. So this man is trying to justify land theft, ethnic cleansing, and genocide by attributing all of this to the Almighty.


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