Abbas' strategie lijkt duidelijk: zodra Israel officieel besluit dat de bouwstop definitief ten einde is en er weer gebouwd mag worden, zal hij uit de onderhandelingen weglopen en krijgt Israel de schuld. Het blijkt al behoorlijk goed te werken, want het enige waar de media het de afgelopen tijd over hadden is de bouw in de nederzettingen en hoe slecht die is voor de vrede. Over alles wat de Palestijnen doen dat niet echt bevorderlijk is voor de vrede zoals de opruiing en haatpropaganda in de media, wordt gezwegen. Abbas staat bekend als welwillend en gematigd, ondanks het feit dat hij het afgelopen jaar niks noemenswaardigs heeft gedaan om aan Israel tegemoet te komen.
Vreemd vind ik overigens dat Israel niet met tegenvoorstellen komt, waarbij men in ruil voor een voortzetting van de bouwstop substantiele Palestijnse concessies eist, zoals erkenning als Joodse staat en opgeven van het zogenaamde 'recht op terugkeer'. Het lijkt erop dat Israel niet echt een plan of een strategie heeft, en niet veel meer doet dan het probleem nog een weekje vooruit schuiven.
Abbas: If peace talks fail, Israel will be to blame
09/28/2010 20:51
09/28/2010 20:51
Israel will be to blame if peace talks fail, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday.
Abbas was speaking during a flight from Paris to Amman, AFP reported, and said that the settlement construction issue would determine the outcome of the talks.
He added that he would soon be making a speech at an Arab League meeting, in which he would announce some significant decisions.
Earlier on Tuesday, Abbas told radio station Europe 1 that he will stop talks if the settlement freeze is not reinstated.
"We don't want to stop the talks, but if the building continues, we will have to put a stop to them," Abbas said. "(Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu must know that peace is more important than settlements."
"We ask for a moratorium during negotiations, because as long as there are negotiations, there is hope," he reportedly told the radio station in Arabic.
Also on Tuesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke on the phone with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, telling them that he believed it was possible to reach a historic peace agreement within a year.
Abbas was speaking during a flight from Paris to Amman, AFP reported, and said that the settlement construction issue would determine the outcome of the talks.
He added that he would soon be making a speech at an Arab League meeting, in which he would announce some significant decisions.
Earlier on Tuesday, Abbas told radio station Europe 1 that he will stop talks if the settlement freeze is not reinstated.
"We don't want to stop the talks, but if the building continues, we will have to put a stop to them," Abbas said. "(Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu must know that peace is more important than settlements."
"We ask for a moratorium during negotiations, because as long as there are negotiations, there is hope," he reportedly told the radio station in Arabic.
Also on Tuesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke on the phone with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, telling them that he believed it was possible to reach a historic peace agreement within a year.
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