Erekat verontschuldigde zich niet echt in die video, wel sprak hij verzoenende woorden en de wens tot vrede. Het zou mij niet verbazen als hij hierop in zijn eigen partij fel is aangevallen en daarom nu met dit verhaal komt. Hier kun je horen wat hij daadwerkelijk zei in de video (de tekst eronder is, zoals duidelijk mag zijn, niet van hem). Hij zegt dat hij weet dat 'we disappointed you' en dat 'we have been unable te deliver peace in the last nineteen years'. Ware woorden natuurlijk, die overigens nog genoeg ruimte laten voor interpretatie.
Op de campagne is ook kritiek van rechts, zoals ook uit de hierboven gelinkte video blijkt. Niet alleen kun je je afvragen hoe eerlijk de Palestijnse vredespartners in die videoboodschappen zijn, ook is het vreemd dat er geen boodschappen van Israelische leiders op de Westoever worden uitgezonden. Immers, daar zien velen Netanjahoe als de duivel in eigen persoon en kan zo'n boodschap dus geen kwaad.
Erekat denies apology to Israel in Geneva Initiative clip
09/09/2010 15:17
Palestinian chief negotiator tells Ma'an news agency his comments were "altered," complete opposite to what he actually said; "I never intended to apologize, Israel are the ones who should apologize."
Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat released a statement on Wednesday alleging that his televised address to Israelis asking that they be his "peace partner" was altered, according to a Palestinian news agency Ma'an report.
"Unfortunately, my statements were altered and interpreted as if I were apologizing to the Israeli nation. This is the opposite to what I said. I was speaking as a negotiator and I mean that as Palestinian and Israeli negotiators we had been unable to come up with a solution after many years," Erekat said about the video promoting the Geneva Initiative.
He continued, "I never intended to apologize to the Israeli nation, they are the ones who should apologize for what they have done to the Palestinians and all the actions that have humiliated our nation. Palestinians are the nation who deserve an apology."
On Wednesday Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad decided to remove his pictures from the campaign website, explaining that his permission had not been asked to use them.
Director-General of the Palestinian Geneva Initiative Nidal Foqaha told the Ma'an agency that "the video was intended to create a consensus with the Israeli public and then mobilize the leadership and create a real peace partner."
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