woensdag 22 september 2010

Abbas wil niet verder onderhandelen zonder verlenging bouwstop nederzettingen

Geen enkel compromis accepteren of zelf voorstellen, en wel continu eisen stellen: dat is hoe Abbas zich tot nu toe opstelt in de onderhandelingen, en met succes. De VS en de EU willen ook dat Israel de bouwstop verlengt, en hebben daarbij geen tegenconcessie van Abbas gevraagd. Ondertussen geldt de bouwstop ook voor Jeruzalem, dat is stilzwijgend zo met de VS overeengekomen, en is dus de vraag of de verlenging ook voor Jeruzalem moet gelden. Abbas zal niet met minder genoegen nemen, en voor Israel is dat zonder enig tegengebaar echt onaanvaardbaar.
Regarding Netanyahu's demand that Palestinians recognized Israel as a Jewish state, Abbas said Israel was free to call itself the "Israeli Zionist Jewish Empire" and that was not his business. However, if Israel wanted Palestinian negotiators to recognize its state, it should also recognize a Palestinian state, he said.
Het gaat er natuurlijk om dat de Palestijnen erkennen dat de Joden een volk zijn met nationale rechten in Israel, niet wie zich hoe mag noemen. En Israel heeft de Palestijnse nationale aspiraties allang erkend. Netanjahoe herhaalde dit onlangs nog eens:
It means that the Palestinians recognize the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in our historic homeland.  I recognized the Palestinians' right to self-determination and sovereignty.  They must finally recognize the Jewish people's right to self determination and sovereignty.
And just as the Jewish state has granted Jews around the world the right to immigrate to Israel, a Palestinian state could decide to grant Palestinians around the world the right to immigrate to their state.  But Palestinian refugees do not have a right to come to the Jewish state.

Abbas: No talks without freeze
Published yesterday 20:28 20 September 2010

NEW YORK (Ma'an) -- President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday he will only negotiate with Israel if restrictions on illegal settlement building are extended.

A 10-month partial settlement freeze is due to expire later this month, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told cabinet ministers Sunday he would not extend it, despite pressure from the US administration, the EU and UN.

Abbas said negotiations would only continue under a settlement freeze, explaining that if the moratorium was extended for one month, he would remain in peace talks for one month.

Direct negotiations were resumed in Washington on 2 September after a 20-month hiatus. The last round of talks broke down when Israel launched its Operation Cast Lead offensive on Gaza in December 2008.

Regarding Netanyahu's demand that Palestinians recognized Israel as a Jewish state, Abbas said Israel was free to call itself the "Israeli Zionist Jewish Empire" and that was not his business. However, if Israel wanted Palestinian negotiators to recognize its state, it should also recognize a Palestinian state, he said.

Palestinian negotiators have recognized Israel's right to exist, but not as a Jewish state, which officials said would prejudice Israel's non-Jewish citizens, and the right of return of Palestinian refugees.

Asked if he feared for his personal future if peace talks collapsed, Abbas said he was "not afraid of anything"

The president said he was angered by the assassination by Israeli soldiers of a Hamas leader at his home in the West Bank city of Tulkarem on Friday, adding that he demanded that Israel stopped its attacks on Palestinian cities.

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