vrijdag 12 juni 2009

Zeven Joodse kinderen

Ook in Nederland is dit korte toneelstuk opgevoerd. Het roept inderdaad discussie op, en de setting is interessant: Joodse ouders die met elkaar praten over wat ze hun kinderen wel en niet moeten vertellen over Israel en het conflict, maar het gaat weer eens alleen over (vermeende) Israelische wandaden en hoe de ouders daarmee worstelen. Daarbij wordt een karikatuur gemaakt van Israel en de geschiedenis. Het vreemde is, dat dit soort dingen altijd alleen worden gemaakt over Israel. De Arabieren en Palestijnen hebben blijkbaar geen kritiek en zelfreflectie nodig, hun daden dienen niet kritisch tegen het licht te worden gehouden, zij kunnen hun kinderen zonder problemen in de ogen kijken en over het land, het conflict en het verleden vertellen...

Racist "Peace" promotion


Following is the English part of a message circulated by Gush Shalom, promoting the anti-Semitic play Seven Jewish Children by Caryl Churchill. The showing of the play is sponsored by the Jewish women for peace coalition. The message of the play is that Jewish parents are murderers, and that they lie to their children about their murder activities. Jews believe they are "chosen" people according to the play and cover up their theft of Arab land. Jews come on Aliya and tell their children lies about Israel and so on.
This play is surely no less racist than Geert Wilders' film about Islam, yet WIlders' film is generally shunned and no "peace" groups would ever sponsor it. How can we excuse the fact that these groups, Gush Shalom and the "Coalition of Women for Peace" get money to promote peace and understanding, and instead promote racist incitement?
A sample of the dialogue:

Tell her it's the land God gave us

Dont tell her religion

Tell her her great great great great lots of greats grandad lived there

Dont tell her he was driven out

Tell her, of course tell her, tell her everyone was driven out and the country is waiting

for us to come home

Dont tell her she doesnt belong here


Tell her about Jerusalem.


Dont tell her who used to live in this house

No but dont tell her her great great grandfather used to live in this house

No but dont tell her Arabs used to sleep in her bedroom


Tell her again this is our promised land.

Dont tell her they said it was a land without people


Tell her it's not the water for their fields

Dont tell her anything about water.

Dont tell her about the bulldozer

Dont tell her not to look at the bulldozer

Dont tell her it was knocking the house down

Tell her it's a building site


Dont tell her how many of them have been killed

Tell her the Hamas fighters have been killed

Tell her they're terrorists

Tell her they're filth


Dont tell her about the family of dead girls

Tell her you cant believe what you see on television

Tell her we killed the babies by mistake

Dont tell her anything about the army

Tell her, tell her about the army, tell her to be proud of the army. Tell her about the family of dead girls, tell her their names why not, tell her the whole world knows why shouldnt she know? tell her there's dead babies, did she see babies? tell her she's got nothing to be ashamed of. Tell her they did it to themselves. Tell her they want their children killed to make people sorry for them, tell her I'm not sorry for them, tell her not to be sorry for them, tell her we're the ones to be sorry for, tell her they cant talk suffering to us. Tell her we're the iron fist now, tell her it's the fog of war, tell her we wont stop killing them till we're safe, tell her I laughed when I saw the dead policemen, tell her they're animals living in rubble now, tell her I wouldnt care if we wiped them out, the world would hate us is the only thing, tell her I dont care if the world hates us, tell her we're better haters, tell her we're chosen people, tell her I look at one of their children covered in blood and what do I feel? tell her all I feel is happy it's not her.

Coalition of Women for Peace invites you to the play
Seven Jewish Children (A Play for Gaza)
Play by: Caryl Churchill
From English: Shimon Levy, Uri Shani

Thursday, 11.6.09, 7 pm, Rabin Square, Tel Aviv

The play has been translated into Hebrew and will be performed in Tel Aviv directed by Samieh Jabbarin - a Palestinian political prisoner. The Tel Aviv staging of Caryl Churchill's short play - written in record time by the highly esteemed British play-write in the midst of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza last winter will protest the two year anniversary of the Siege of Gaza and 42 years since the 1967 occupation.

Tell her it's a game
Tell her it's serious
But dont frighten her
Dont tell her they'll kill her

Actresses: Sarah von Schwartze, Gabby Eldor, Samah Wakim and others

Director: Samieh Jabbarin

Initiative: Tamara Schreiber and Rachel Avileah
Artistic Designer: Anisa Ashkar
Music: Deerar Kalash (Saxophone)
Production: Inna Michaeli, Lana Khaskia, Eilat Maoz
Special Thanks to: Adi Maoz, Raja Zoubi Omri

The play was first staged in English on February 6th 2009 in the Royal Court Theater in London

Caryl Churchill (1938) is a British feminist and anti-capitalist playwright who has written dozens of plays including: Top Girls, Owners, Cloud Nine and Far Away.

Spectatorship is free. According to the terms of copyright, all contributions will be donated to MAP – Medical Aid for Palestinians, which supplies humanitarian aid and advocates for policy change in Britain.


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