dinsdag 9 juni 2009

Hamas bouwt gedoneerde ambulances om tot militaire voertuigen

De Palestijnse krant Al-Hayat Al-Jadida meldt dat volgens het Palestijnse ministerie van gezondheid Hamas 46 ambulances heeft geconfisceerd, de medische spullen eruit gehaald en zwart geverfd, om ze als militaire voertuigen te gebruiken. De ambulances waren door Arabische staten gedoneerd aan de Gazastrook na Israels offensief in januari.

Bulletin - June 8, 2009
Palestinian Media Watch
Hamas converts 46 ambulances to military vehicles, misusing humanitarian aid
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

PMW has documented the repeated use of foreign funding by both the PA and Hamas for terror and glorification of terror. The following is another case of well intended humanitarian assistance given to Palestinians that is appropriated for military or terror purposes:

"The [Palestinian] Health Ministry stated yesterday that Hamas militias had raided 46 ambulances, donated by Arab states during the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip, of the medical equipment that they contained... and used them as military vehicles to arrest civilians, after painting [the ambulances] black.

The Ministry's director of public relations and information, Dr. Omar Nasr... said that the medical equipment removed from the ambulances was expensive. He demanded that the Hamas militias declare, courageously and openly, what had become of the thousands of tons of medical equipment which had been brought into the Gaza Strip as assistance for the Palestinian people, and which had passed at its [Hamas's] orders to private warehouses and its own medical centers, and was later sold to the helpless citizen..."

[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 20, 2009]

Palestinian Media Watch:
p:+972 2 625 4140 e:
f: +972 2 624 2803 w: www.pmw.org.il

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