dinsdag 25 november 2008

Zestig jaar treuren met de Verenigde Naties

"Anyone hoping to see an Israeli flag flown in addition to a Palestinian one in celebration of the UN partition plan that approved a two-state solution, should not hold their breath," aldus Anne Bayefski van Eye on the UN.
Het is volkomen uniek dat jaarlijks de tot stand koming van een VN lidstaat wordt betreurd en deze in verband wordt gebracht met grove mensenrechtenschendingen en oorlogsmisdaden, zelfs etnische zuivering. De indianen herdenken de stichting van de VS niet op deze manier, laat staan dat dat binnen VN verband gebeurt met officiële tentoonstellingen, films en toespraken, hoewel het in hun geval dichter bij de waarheid zou komen dan wat betreft de Palestijnen en Israel. (Het gebouw van de VN zelf staat nota bene op grond die vroeger de indianen toebehoorde.) De vele andere onderdrukten volken die wachten op een staat zoals de Tibetanen en de Koerden, zouden er niet over denken om hun bezetter op een dergelijke manier neer te zetten en steun bij de VN daarvoor is eveneens uitgesloten. Maar bij Israel ligt dat dus anders.
Terwijl antizionisten onterecht beweren dat het land alleen onder bepaalde speciale voorwaarden lid had mogen worden, en vanwege niet-vervulling daarvan uit de VN zou moeten worden gegooid, is Israels positie in de VN nog steeds niet gelijkwaardig aan die van andere staten, en mag zij bijvoorbeeld - als enige land - niet aanwezig zijn bij de voorbereidende vergaderingen van de Mensenrechtenraad in Geneve. Leugens over de racistische ideologie van het zionisme, de Joods-nationale beweging, tieren welig in en buiten de VN, en vinden hun weerslag in de activiteiten van een aantal speciaal voor de Palestijnen opgerichte instituties zoals het Comité voor de Onvervreemdbare Rechten van het Palestijnse Volk (CEIRPP), dat ook bij de jaarlijkse herdenking van Israels stichting is betrokken. Afschaffing van deze organisaties en Israel volwaardig lid laten zijn van de VN op alle niveaus, zou een goede eerste stap op weg zijn naar een rechtvaardiger VN. Hervorming van de VN Mensenrechtenraad is eveneens noodzakelijk, ook om als VN enige geloofwaardigheid te behouden. Een mooie missie voor de nieuwe president van de VS, maar ook de EU moet zich daarvoor inzetten.
Meer over Israel en de VN (Nederlands)
Meer over de nakba (Engelstalig)

"Between the Lines"

UN to Mourn 60 Years of Israel's Existence
Anne Bayefsky - Nov 21, 2008
Eye on the U.N.

NEW YORK - This Monday, November 24th, the UN will commemorate its annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People with a film depicting Jews as Nazi-equivalents and a public exhibit mourning the sixty years of Israel's existence.

"The event is an annual reminder that the UN's real agenda is to delegitimize the birth - and the perseverance - of the state of Israel," said Anne Bayefsky, Editor of EYEontheUN.org.

Monday's observance marks November 29, 1947 - the day that the UN voted to establish a Jewish and an Arab state in Palestine - a decision accepted by the Jews and rejected by the Arabs. This year's observance is being held a week early due to scheduling conflicts.

As in years past, there will be a formal meeting Monday morning of the Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, a film, an afternoon meeting of the General Assembly on the "Question of Palestine," and the opening of a public exhibit in the entrance to the UN's New York headquarters.

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan referred to November 29th as "a day of mourning and a day of grief," and the usual procedure is for UN member state after UN member state to use the opportunity to grieve for the suffering of the Palestinian people at Israeli hands.

The General Assembly is scheduled to adopt another six resolutions condemning only Israel for violations of human rights. The total number of resolutions criticizing Israel expected to be adopted at this fall's General Assembly is 20, as compared to only four resolutions critical of human rights records in any of the remaining 191 UN member nations.

The 2008 installment of what is in essence a repeat of the "Zionism = Racism" allegation, will be the public showing of the film "La Terre Parle Arabe" or "The Land Speaks Arabic." The film draws parallels between the Nazis' final solution and the alleged Zionist design for Palestinians. It is commonly billed with these words: "…the late-19th century Zionists…drew up plans, put them into practice, then…used… force, often brutal."

Here is some of the script for the UN public's edification:

"Christians and Muslims alike…unite in their hatred of Zionism…I preferred to die as a martyr rather than be governed by the Jews …We were against the Jews…The number of Jews increased constantly…The children cried …The Hagana had no mercy, no pity. Zionists! They were Zionists!… The Jews were shooting at us, they were facing us…The Jews yelled "turn around you bastards, you dogs." They machine gunned us…They started killing people who were asleep…[We]…found a poor woman…pregnant. They had killed her and the baby came out of the womb. They started slaughtering them until morning."

The exhibit to be opened at 6 p.m. on Monday in the UN lobby - the public entrance through which school children from across the United States and tourists from around the world pass every day - is entitled "The Palestinians: 60 years of struggle and enduring hope." Bayefsky comments:
"The "sixty years" of struggle is telling. It puts a lie to the alleged root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict as an "occupation" that began with the 1967 war. The real complaint is the alleged wrong of the creation of the State of Israel itself." She adds: "The carefully selected word "struggle" also speaks volumes. What the UN glorifies as a struggle is a series of wars launched by Arabs to annihilate the state of Israel beginning in 1948, and the ongoing "struggle" of Palestinian and other Arab terrorists dedicated to the same end."

Past UN Palestinian Solidarity Day observances have included:
- The display of a map in Arabic with the State of Israel missing altogether
- Flying only the flags of "Palestine" and the United Nations, and omitting the flag of the UN member state of Israel
- Opening the day with a moment of silence commemorating the death, among others, of suicide bombers or "all those who have given their lives for the cause of the Palestinian people..."
- Exhibits promoting terrorism and the alleged right of return while criticizing a host of non-violent efforts by Israel to prevent terrorism from checkpoints to a security fence - all of which are invariably presented as evil steps taken in a vacuum.

"Anyone hoping to see an Israeli flag flown in addition to a Palestinian one in celebration of the UN partition plan that approved a two-state solution, should not hold their breath," said Anne Bayefsky, Editor of EYEontheUN.org. She continued, "the UN tradition of mourning the creation of the state of Israel continues." 

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