donderdag 21 augustus 2008

Qurei: pas akkoord als over alle punten een akkoord is - inclusief Jeruzalem

Het is duidelijk dat er geen overeenkomst kan komen als je geen enkele flexibiliteit toont zoals Qurei. Israël bood bijna 100% land aan (incl. landruil) maar van Palestijnse zijde komt slechts een luid 'njet'. Men had kunnen zeggen: 'aardig begin, maar...', 'klinkt niet slecht, maar...', 'interessant voorstel, we zullen het nader bestuderen' of iets dergelijks, maar men zegt slechts nee, houdt vervolgens vast aan geheel Oost-Jeruzalem en een 'rechtvaardige oplossing van het vluchtelingenprobleem', ofwel ' recht op terugkeer'.

Quria: no agreement with Israel in 2008
Date: 20 / 08 / 2008  Time:  21:45
www.maannews. net/en/index.php?opr=ShowDetails&ID=31428

Ramallah - Ma'an - Senior Palestinian negotiator Ahmad Quria does not believe that a final status agreement with Israel will be reached by the end of 2008, the original goal set out at the launch of negotiations last year.

"I do not think this year we will reach to an agreement with the Israelis for several reasons, the first of which is the negotiating process is difficult. Second these days the Israeli side is concerned with its internal problems," Quria said at a Fatah meeting in Ramallah on Wendesday.

He added: "We [do] not accept less than a Palestinian state with the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. We [want] a just solution of the issue of the refugees based on the international resolutions and the right of return."

Quria, the head of the Palestinian negotiating team was speaking at the Fatah headquarters in Ramallah at a meeting with the heads of Fatah youth and student groups from around the West Bank.

He added that during their latest meeting he and Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni "discussed the negotiable issues. Public action committees were formed for all of these issues without exception."

No agreement would be reached with Israel that does not address all issues in "one package."

Quria added that East Jerusalem must be the Palestinian geographical, spiritual capital and the main hub of the national economy. Without Jerusalem there will be no agreement, he said.

Regarding relations with the Hamas movement which governs Gaza, Quria said, "we can not face the challenges while coup and division are still going on."

He however used harsh language in dealing with Hamas: "We do not deny that there is reason for disagreement but the Hamas movement had committed grotesque crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and against Fatah members. It never happened that a Palestinian would kill another in the same way Hamas did in killing the Palestinians and stripped them of their resistance arms and force them and their families out of the Gaza Strip. The one who used to do so is the Israeli [occupation]."

Nonetheless, he said dialogue is the way out of the current political crisis: "we want a national dialogue based on dealing with the problems from their roots. We do not want fragile dialogue that will increase the random of the Palestinian situation. We want a real dialogue that would eliminate division from the Palestinian body."

He said that Egypt is working hard to bring the rival factions together in negotiations.

"We as Palestinians have to make honest efforts to bring success to the Egyptian efforts aiming at bridging the rift among Palestinians."

Concerning the upcoming release of 199 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails. Quria affirmed that the Palestinians had demanded the release of all prisoners who were arrested before the Oslo accords.

"We demand the release of the Palestinian leaderships without discrimination among them, Ahmad Sa'adat, Marwan Barghuthi and Husam Khader and others. Our demands also included all the female and sick prisoners held in the Israeli jails," he said.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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