zaterdag 21 juni 2008

Nieuws van de Arabische PR lobby

Pas op voor de Arabische lobby, die achter de schermen de touwtjes in handen heeft...
In de VS is al een omvangrijke Arabische olielobby actief, Aramco, die er stukken beter dan de zionistische lobby in slaagt om niet te veel in de schijnwerpers te staan en zelf geen onderwerp van gesprek of discussie te worden.
Common Arab media strategy planned
The Council of Arab Information Ministers called for the formation of a general commission for Arab Information, at a meeting here, Thursday, and discussed a common media strategy for the member countries.

Iyad Bin Ameen Madani, Saudi Minister of Culture and Information, said in a statement after the meeting, the council stressed on the need of giving media support for the Arab issues. The council also decided to follow up on the activities of Joint Arab Information abroad, and to set up a mechanism to activate the principles of organizing satellite transmission in the Arab region.

The satellite transmission organizing principles document was endorsed on the basis of the domestic legislations of each Arab country, the minister said.

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