woensdag 14 mei 2008

Achmadinejad voorspelt weer ondergang Israël

De haat van deze man tegen de Joodse staat is grenzeloos, zoals de haat van Hitler tegen de Joden dat ook was. Helaas blijft het niet bij woorden, en worden Hezbollah, Hamas en Islamitische Jihad actief door Iran gesteund, gefinancierd en getraind. Het is dan ook moeilijk om vrede dichterbij te brengen zonder deze Iraanse invloed in te dammen.


Last update - 17:58 13/05/2008      
Ahmadinejad predicts Israel will be 'swept away' by Palestinians
In Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's latest verbal outburst against Israel, the Iranian President said Tuesday that it would "be soon swept away" by the Palestinians.

"This terrorist and criminal state is backed by foreign powers, but this regime would soon be swept away by the Palestinians," Ahmadinejad said in a press conference in Tehran.

It is the second time within less than three years that the Iranian president predicted the eradication of Israel.

The first time was in 2005 when Ahmadinejad hoped that Israel would be eradicated from the Middle East map.

Referring to worldwide celebrations for the 60th anniversary of Israel's foundation, he said that "it would be futile to hold a birthday ceremony for something which is already dead."

"As far as the regional countries are concerned, this regime does not exist," Ahmadinejad added.

The Iranian president said last week that the anniversary celebrations could not save this "rotten and stinking corpse."

Ahmadinejad caused international outrage in the past by hoping for the eradication of Israel, its relocation to Europe or Alaska and for calling the Nazi Holocaust a "myth."

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