zaterdag 22 maart 2008

PA roept Palestijnen op terug te keren naar Israël op 14 mei

Als dit waar is betekent dat dat de PA de weg van onderhandelingen heeft opgegeven, evenals het doel van een twee statenoplossing.

"Fulfilling the right of return is a human, moral and legal will that can't be denied by the Jews or the international community. On the [60th] anniversary of the great suffering, the Palestinian people are determined to end this injustice."
Dat is pertinent onjuist. Het Joodse recht op zelfbeschikking wordt zo bovendien ongedaan gemaakt, en een VN lidstaat opgeheven. Dat lijkt me tegen het internationaal recht en ook tegen het handvest van de VN. De vluchtelingen waren een gevolg van een oorlog die de Arabieren in Palestina tegen de Joden aldaar begonnen, nadat de VN voorstelde het gebied te delen in twee staten. Het kan niet ontkend worden dat zij de agressors waren en dat hun doel was om de Joden te verdrijven of erger, uit te moorden. Aan het lijden van de vluchtelingen zal geen einde komen zolang zij worden gevoed met valse sentimenten en leugens over de geschiedenis door een zogenaamd gematigd Palestijns leiderschap dat zogenaamd Israël erkent en zogenaamd vrede wil.
Het is een optelsom:
* Abbas weigert Israël te erkennen als Joodse staat.
* Abbas beschuldigde Israel van het plegen van een holocaust in Gaza, en van het doorvoeren van etnische zuiveringen in Jeruzalem.
* In door Abbas' PA gecontroleerde media worden de plegers van aanslagen op Israëlische burgers als martelaren vereerd en wordt geweld tegen Israël verheerlijkt.
* Oproep aan alle Palestijnse vluchtelingen naar Israël te komen, wat een einde aan Joodse zelfbeschikking zou betekenen.
Hoe lang kunnen mensen die voor vrede en twee staten zijn nog in de goede intenties van Abbas geloven?? Mijn vertrouwen heeft wat teveel deuken opgelopen de laatste tijd.

PA urges Palestinians to 'return'

Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST Mar. 18, 2008

The Palestinian Authority is planning to mark Israel's 60th anniversary by calling on all Palestinians living abroad to converge on Israel by land, sea and air.
The plan, drawn by Ziad Abu Ein, a senior Fatah operative and Deputy Minister for Prisoners' Affairs in the Palestinian Authority, states that the Palestinians have decided to implement United Nations Resolution 194 regarding the refugees.
Article 11 of the resolution, which was passed in December 1948, says that "refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible."
The initiative is the first of its kind and is clearly aimed at embarrassing Israel during the anniversary celebrations by highlighting the issue of the "right of return" for the refugees.
Entitled "The Initiative of Return and Coexistence," the plan suggests that the PA has abandoned a two-state solution in favor of one state where all Arabs and Jews would live together.
"The Palestinians, backed by all those who believe in peace, coexistence, human rights and the UN resolutions, shall recruit all their energies and efforts to return to their homeland and live with the Jews in peace and security," the plan says.
"Fulfilling the right of return is a human, moral and legal will that can't be denied by the Jews or the international community. On the [60th] anniversary of the great suffering, the Palestinian people are determined to end this injustice."
Abu Ein's initiative, which has won the backing of many PA leaders in Ramallah, calls on all Israelis to welcome the Palestinians "who will be returning to live together with them in the land of peace."
The plan calls on the refugees to return to Israel on May 14, 2008 with their suitcases and tents so that they could settle in their former villages and towns. The refugees are also requested to carry UN flags upon their return and to be equipped with their UNRWA-issued ID cards.
The Arab countries hosting Palestinian refugees are requested to facilitate the return of the refugees by opening their borders and allowing them to march toward Israel. The plan specifically refers to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, whose governments are asked to provide logistic support to allow the refugees to carry out their mission.
Palestinian refugees living in the US, EU, Canada and Latin America are requested to use their foreign passports to fly to Ben-Gurion Airport from May 14-16. The plan calls for the Palestinians to hire dozens of boats flying UN flags that will converge on Israeli ports simultaneously.
To ensure international backing, the plan calls to invite world leaders, the UN secretary-general, journalists and legal experts from around the world to declare their support for the Palestinians' "right of return." The Palestinians, in return, would promise to practice their right peacefully and to denounce terror and violence.
Arab governments are requested to provide both financial and political backing for the initiative. The plan stresses that the Palestinians can no longer expect to achieve the "right of return" at the negotiating table with Israel. "We must take matters into our own hands," it states. "Negotiations, slogans and UN resolutions are not going to bring us our rights."

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