vrijdag 14 maart 2008

Opiniepeiling Palestijnen: bijna helft tegen zelfmoordaanslagen in Israël

De vraag over de zelfmoordaanslagen gaat alleen over de vraag of ze goed of slecht zijn voor de Palestijnse zaak, niet of het moreel toelaatbaar is onschuldige burgers te doden:

(49.1 %) of the Palestinians are of the opinion that the suicide bombings harm at present the Palestinian national interests, whilst (40.1 %) think that these are of benefit and (10.8 %) declined to give an answer. Regarding the suicide bombings inside the Israeli territory, (49.4 %) are in favor of their halt at present, whilst (40.2%) are for their continuance and (10. %) hesitated to answer.

Het is typisch dat de morele vraag niet eens werd gesteld, en het is goed mogelijk dat een groot deel van de respondenten die zelfmoordaanslagen om taktische redenen afwijzen dat niet om morele redenen zou doen.
Het cynische commentaar van Aaron Lerner is helaas terecht: zolang Hamas en andere 'verzets' groepen weten dat aanslagen zoveel steun genieten onder de bevolking, zal men geweld niet als middel opgeven, en hooguit om taktische redenen instemmen met een tijdelijk bestand.


[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Oops. Less than half of Palestinians (49.4%) oppose suicide bombings in Israel - and a whopping 40.2% are willing to tell a pollster that they support suicide bombings in Israel. Don't tell this to Secretary of State Rice or President Bush. They are convinced that the Palestinian street opposes terror and wants Israel to drop security measures designed to stop the terror attacks.]

Poll No. 164
Date: 12.March.2008

The most recent poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali revealed that:

(73.0 %) of the Palestinians support at present a Palestinian-Israeli calm period.
(49.4 %) oppose the suicide bombings inside Israel.
(67.4 %) are in favor of calling on Hamas leadership in Gaza to retreat from the "military decision".
(70.5 %) oppose the decision made by the Palestinian government in favor of the "clearance certificate".
(72.5 %) evaluated their economic situation as 'bad'.

Beit Sahour - The Information Bureau:

In the most recent poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, being conducted during the period February 22nd to March 6th 2008 and published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO), a random sample of (1220) Palestinian adults (over 18 years old) representing the various demographic specimens in the Palestinian society in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, were face to face interviewed. The survey results have shown that (73.0 %) of the Palestinian people support at present a Palestinian-Israeli calm period. The most important result, Dr. Nabil Kukali said, was that (49.4 %) oppose the suicide bombings inside Israel and (67.4 %) support the call of the released Hamas' activists on their leadership in Gaza to retreat from the military decision in Gaza Strip. Dr. Kukali added that (64.0 %) are in favor of halting the closure of Hamas institutions and their licensing by the Palestinian Authority. Dr. Kukali pointed out that the support shown to Mr. Marwan El-Barghouthi as a possible president of the Palestinian Authority has increased in this poll by (1.5 %) compared with a previous poll published on September 22, 2007 and reached now the rate of (24.3 %), whilst the support to Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, the acting PA-president, dropped by (3.0 %) to reach the rate of (23.1 %). In the same manner, the support to Mr. Ismael Haniyyeh dropped even by (7.3 %) to the rate of (12.4 %). Regarding the issue of the "clearance certificate" required by the Palestinian government, Dr. Kukali said that (70.5 %) of the Palestinians are opposing this decision.

Dr. Nabil Kukali said the results of the poll where as follows:

Call of Hamas' actvists:

(63.3 %) of the Palestinian public supported the call of Hamas' activists, who are released from the jails of the Palestinian Authority in Nablus governorate, on their companions to hand over their arms to the official security bodies as to put an end to their persecution by these officials, whilst (27.7 %) opposed that and (9.0 %)  refused to answer the relevant question.

Furthermore, (67.4 %) of the Palestinians supported the call of the released Hamas group on their leadership in Gaza to retreat from the "military decision" and to reinstate the situation as it was before June 14th of the last year in order to create the proper ground for the resumption of the dialogue between the two major Palestinian parties, whilst (23.7 %) opposed that and (8.9 %) hesitated to answer the question.

In the same context, (64.4 %) of the respondents are in favor of halting the closure of Hamas institutions and licensing them as mentioned in the call of the released Hamas activists, while (26.1 %) oppose that and (9.5 %) didn't respond to the question.

(76.1 %) of the Palestinian public are in favor of the said call in respect of what has been said about the necessity of effecting a change in Hamas and the listening to Hamas young people and to their opinions, whilst (14 %) opposed that and (9.9 %) declined to answer.

A Palestinian - Israeli truce:

Responding to the question: "What's your attitude towards a Palestinian - Israeli truce at present?" (37.8 %) answered "I strongly support it", (35.2 %) "I somewhat support it", (14.5 %) "I somewhat oppose it", (9.8 %) "I strongly oppose it" and (2.7 %) answered "I don't know".

The suicide bombings:

(49.1 %) of the Palestinians are of the opinion that the suicide bombings harm at present the Palestinian national interests, whilst (40.1 %) think that these are of benefit and (10.8 %) declined to give an answer. Regarding the suicide bombings inside the Israeli territory, (49.4 %) are in favor of their halt at present, whilst (40.2%) are for their continuance and (10. %) hesitated to answer.

 The border crossings:

(55.4 %) supported the call of President Mahmoud Abbas on Hamas to stand back from the issue of the border crossings, whilst (34 %) opposed the call and (10.6 %) hesitated to respond to the question.

Meeting of the Palestinian National Council:

Responding to the question: "Palestinian efforts are focused on the issue of convening the Palestinian National Council within the next few months in Amman, Jordan. Do you think the meeting will succeed or fail to reactivate and reorganize the Palestinian Liberation Organization?", (9.3 %) answered "It will surely succeed",  (38.6 %) "it will somehow succeed", (33.2 %) "It will surely fail", (12.5 %) "It will somehow fail" and (6.4 %) answered "I don't know".

The Clearance Certificate:

Regarding the question: " After the decision of the Palestinian government requiring of every citizen to submit first an evidence that he/she has paid all his/her financial liabilities to the Tax Department, to the water and electricity companies and others, and cleared off any penalties or fines recorded against him/her before starting or filing an official treatment at a governmental department or institution, do you support or oppose this decision ?"  (10.2 %) answered "strongly support", (16.4 %) "somewhat support", ((25.2 %) answered "somewhat oppose", (45.3 %) "strongly oppose" and (2.9 %) answered "I don't know".

Statement of the Foreign Minister of Egypt:

(50.8 %) of the Palestinian public disagree with the statement of  the Foreign Minister of Egypt, Mr. Ahmed Abu El-Gheth, describing the confrontation of Hamas to Israel as being " a caricature and ridiculous confrontation ", whilst (33.7 %) are in favor thereof, and (15.5 %) refused to respond.

Deployment of multinational forces:

Responding to the question:" Do you support or oppose the deployment of multinational forces in Gaza Strip ?", (32.9 %) answered " strongly oppose", (26.3 %) "somewhat oppose", (25.0 %) " somewhat support", (13.4 %) "strongly support" and (2.3 %) answered " I don't know ".

Performance of the Palestinian Authority:

Responding to the question: "Up to which extent are you satisfied or not satisfied with the performance of the PA-President, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas?" (15.0 %) answered "quite satisfied", (41.7 %) "Somewhat satisfied", (23.7 %) "Somewhat not satisfied", (17.5 %) "Quite unsatisfied" and (2.1 %) answered "I don't know". (10.9 %) evaluated the performance of the Palestinian PM, Mr. Salam Fayyad at "very good", (30.2 %) at "good", (24.2 %) at "mediocre", whilst (15.7 %) evaluated his performance at "bad", (15.7 %) at "very bad" and (3.2 %) declined to answer the question.

Peace between Palestinians and Israelis:

In respect of the question:" Now thinks of the future when your children are your Age!  Do you think there would be at that time peace between Israelis and Palestinians?" (2.5 %) answered "definitely", (19.8 %) "Likely", (16.7 %) "Possible", (23.4 %) "Unlikely", (34.2 %) "Definitely not" and (3.3 %) answered "I don't know".

PA-Presidential elections:

Upon the question:" Do you support a polling at present for the election of the PA-President?" (29.0 %) answered "I strongly support", (25.5 %) "I somewhat support", (27.9 %) "I somewhat oppose", (13.4 %) "I strongly oppose" and (4.5 %) answered "I don't know".

Responding to the question: "Who is your favorite candidate you would vote for to be the president of the Palestinian Authority in the next presidential elections?" (24.3 %) "Marwan Al-Barghouthi", (23.1 %) answered "Mahmoud Abbas", (12.4 %) "Ismael Haniyyeh",(9.5 %) "Mustafa Al-Barghouthi",(5.2 %) "Mohammed Dahlan", (3.6 %) "Khaled Misha'l",(3.3 %) "Mahmoud El-Zahhar", (3.2 %) "Salam Fayyad", (3.1 %) "Aziz El-Duwaik", (2.2 %) "Ahmed Qurai",   (1.4 %) "Otherwise" and (8.8 %) answered "I don't know".

Elections of the Palestinian Legislative Council:

In regard to the question: "Do you support polling at present for a new Palestinian Legislative Council?" (29.2 %) answered "I strongly support", (25.5 %) "I somewhat support", (28.1 %) "I somewhat oppose", (13.1 %) "I strongly oppose" and (4.1 %) answered "I don't know".

The concern about the naked subsistence:

Responding to the question: "Up to which extent are you worried about the naked subsistence of your family at present? " (39.3%) answered "worried", (38.4%) are "too much worried", (17.0%) "Not so much worried ", (3.5%) "Not worried at all" and (1.8%) answered "I don't know".

The economic conditions:

(72.6%) of the Palestinians evaluated the general economic condition in the Palestinian territories as "bad" whilst (23.1%) said "it's mediocre", only (2.8%) described it as "good" and (1.6 %) declined to answer.

Significance of the foreign aid:

Responding to the question: "Up to which extent does the European and US financial aid contribute generally to the Palestinians' well-being?" (44.3%) answered "to a high degree", (54.8%) said "to a moderate degree", (7.2%) "To a slight degree", while (2.3%) said "to a nil degree" and (0.4%) "Don't know".

The personal security:

Regarding the question:  "Up to which extent are you worried about your personal security ?",  (31.0%) answered "too much worried", (37.5%) are "worried", (23.9%) are "not so much worried", (5.6%) are "not worried at all" and (2.0%) answered " I don't know " .

The future perspective:

(34.7%) of the respondents answered that they, notwithstanding the prevailing political and economical conditions of the country, are "optimistic", whilst (60.1%) said they are " pessimistic " and (5.2%) declined to answer.

The concerns of the citizen:

Responding to the question: "What is your main concern at present? " (25.0%) answered "job / money", (35.9%) "The security", (17.5%) "The health" and (20.3%) "The future" and (1.2%) answered "I don't know".

The content with the life:

Answering the question: "How much are you in general content with your  life?" taking into consideration that the answers were in figures from 1 to 10 where (1) stands for the utmost degree of discontent and (10) for the utmost degree of content. The outcome was in average (3.98) and the standard deviation was (2.29).

Methodology of the Survey Study:

Mr. Elias Kukali, a staff member of the Research and Studies' Section at the PCPO, said that all interviews of this survey were conducted inside the respondents' homes, i.e. face-to-face during different working hours, at least 5 hours a day, including the evening time, in order to ensure proper representation of those sub-groups of the population, which would otherwise be difficult to reach and selecting one individual in each household using Last Birthday Method. The choices were taken from a total of (156) election sites, from which (116) sites are located in West Bank and (40) sites in Gaza Strip according to the distribution of the Central Election Commission. These election sites were randomly chosen by using the method of the simple random sample. These in turn were the beginning of the random sample choice made from those regions in accordance with PCPO's long experienced methodology.

Mr. E. Kukali has further established that the margin of error was (+/-2.8 %) at a significance and confidence levels of (5%) and (95%) respectively.
He added that the rate of the female respondents in this survey was (49.3%) against (50.7%) male respondents. The distribution of the random sample between the Palestinian two major regions was (63.8%) in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and (36.2%) in Gaza Strip, and allocated as follows: (50.3%) for the towns, (32.6%) for the villages and (17.1%) for the camps

Contact Persons: Dr. Nabil Kukali & Elias Kukali
P.O. Box 15, Beit Sahour - Palestine

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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