maandag 22 november 2010

Palestijnse Autoriteit ontkent Joodse band en aanspraken op Klaagmuur

Eigen foto van de Klaagmuur uit 2008
In het Westen wordt algemeen aangenomen dat bij een deling van Jeruzalem de Klaagmuur Israelisch zal blijven en de Tempelberg naar de Palestijnen gaat, of dat er een vorm van internationaal bestuur zal komen. Wat niet echt door wil dringen is dat de Palestijnen de Joodse aanspraak op de Klaagmuur helemaal niet erkennen, en de gehele oude stad onder hun controle willen hebben, dus inclusief de Klaagmuur en de Joodse wijk met de diverse synagoges die daar liggen. Uit dit artikel blijkt wederom dat de vrede nog ver weg is wat de Palestijnen betreft.
"During the British mandate in Palestine, the number of Jews who visited the wall increased to a point where the Muslims felt threatened and then there was the Al-Buraq Revolution on August 23, 1929, where dozens of Muslims were martyred and a large number of Jews were killed."

De Joden die bij de Klaagmuur wilden bidden, werden daarbij geregeld gehinderd en lastig gevallen door moslims. Onder druk van de moslims waren er allerlei beperkingen, en was het al problematisch als zij een scherm neerzetten om mannen en vrouwen te scheiden, of stoeltjes om te zitten, en op de shofar blazen was helemaal uit den boze. Verschillende Joden hebben in de gevangenis gezeten vanwege deze 'misdaad'. Toen sommige Joden tegen deze beperkingen en de vernederingen protesteerden, leidde dat tot de rellen van 1929 waarbij tientallen Joden werden gedood en honderden gewond. Ongeveer de helft van de Joden vluchtte uit de oude stad. Mufti Haj Amin Al Hoesseini, die warme banden had met de nazi's, speelden bij deze rellen een bijzonder kwalijke rol.
Waarschijnlijk moeten we tot Sint Juttemis wachten voordat er iets van kritiek op het eigen verleden en aandacht voor het eigen aandeel in het conflict zal doordringen bij de Palestijnen.

Jews have no right to Western Wall, PA 'study' says

Official paper by published by PA Ministry of Information claims Al-Buraq Wall, as it is known to Muslims, constitutes Waqf property owned by an Algerian-Moroccan Muslim family.
The Western Wall belongs to Muslims and is an integral part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Haram al-Sharif [the Noble Sanctuary], according to an official paper published on Monday by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Information in Ramallah.

The paper, which has been presented as a "study," was prepared by Al-Mutawakel Taha, a senior official with the PA Ministry of Information to "refute" Jews' claim to the Western Wall.

In the past, PA leaders and officials had also denied Jews' right to the Kotel, insisting that the Temple Mount had never stood in the area.

The new paper claims that the Western Wall, or Al-Buraq Wall as it is known to Muslims, constitutes Waqf property owned by an Algerian-Moroccan Muslim family.

It claims that there isn't one stone in the wall that belongs to the era of King Solomon.

The "study" also found that the path next to the Wailing Wall was never a public road, but was established only for the use of Muslims living in the area or making their way toward the mosques on the Temple Mount.

"The Zionist occupation falsely and unjustly claims that it owns this wall which it calls the Western Wall or Kotel," Taha, who is also a renowned Palestinian poet and writer, wrote in his project. "The Al-Buraq Wall is in fact the western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

He added that the Jews had never used the site for worship until the Balfour Declaration of 1917. "This wall was never part of the so-called Temple Mount, but Muslim tolerance allowed the Jews to stand in front of it and weep over its destruction," he wrote.

"During the British mandate in Palestine, the number of Jews who visited the wall increased to a point where the Muslims felt threatened and then there was the Al-Buraq Revolution on August 23, 1929, where dozens of Muslims were martyred and a large number of Jews were killed."

The author, who is affiliated with PA President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, emphasizes that over the past few decades Jews had failed to prove that the wall had any connection to their religion.

"Many studies published by Jewish experts have affirmed that there is no archeological evidence that the Temple Mount was built during the period of King Solomon," the paper added. "One can only conclude that the Al-Buraq Wall is a Muslim wall and an integral part of the Aqsa Mosque and Haram Al-Sharif. No one has the right to claim ownership over it or change its features or original character. Also, no one has the right to agree with the occupation state's racist and oppressive measures against history and holy sites."

The PA ministry's study also warned that "no Muslim or Arab or Palestinian had the right to give up one stone of the Al-Buraq Wall or other religious sites."

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