maandag 10 mei 2010

Een kleine overwinning: Israel is uitgenodigd toe te treden tot de OECD

Niemand heeft enig idee welke landen er allemaal in de OECD zitten, laat staan of zij de mensenrechten wel altijd eerbiedigen, maar van de toetreding van Israel werd door de antizionisten weer eens een big issue gemaakt. Zij gebruiken alle verdragen, allianties en internationale verbanden om Israel te delegitimeren. Hun doel is niet om de vrede dichterbij te brengen en legitieme kritiek op Israel te uiten, maar om het land te isoleren zoals indertijd met Apartheid Zuid Afrika gebeurde.
Monday, May 10, 2010

A significant victory: Israel is invited to the OECD

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was created in 1960 as a policy making and standards-setting body that would facilitate integration of countries into the European union, and improve quality of life and labor and economic conditions for the people of those countries. It has since been extended, offering membership to a much wider group of countries.
Israeli membership in the OECD was opposed by the usual anti-Israel groups as part of the general campaign to delegitimize and isolate Israel. They raised the expected sort of objections, all of which did not avail. Common sense and good wll prevailed. The same decision also invited the accession of Estonia and Chile to the OECD. Following is the English text of the OECD decision regarding Israel.
For Israel, it will provide a voice in OECD economic policy making, bring Israel a step closer perhaps to integration in the EU at some lever, and it promises to provide an impetus for better quality of life for Israelis, especially in the areas of economic transparency, environmental control and pension legislation.
In truth, it is a modest achievement. The OECD does not confer any major direct political or economic benefits on its members. Ironically, it would not be such a great victory if the anti-Israel forces had not tried to make a tremendous issue out of it.
Ami Isseroff


Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960 (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") and, in particular to Articles 5 a) and 16;

Having regard to the Council Resolution on Enlargement and Enhanced Engagement adopted on 16 May 2007 by which Council decided to open accession discussions with Israel [C/MIN(2007)4/FINAL];

Having regard to the Roadmap for the Accession of Israel to the OECD Convention [C(2007)102/FINAL], adopted by Council on 30 November 2007, which set out the terms, conditions and process for the accession of Israel to the Organisation (hereinafter referred to as "the Accession Roadmap");

Having regard to the Report of the Secretary-General on the Accession of Israel to the Organisation [C(2010)42/REV2];

Having regard to the Final Statement by the Government of the State of Israel dated 11 March 2010 concerning the acceptance by the State of Israel of the obligations of membership of the Organisation [C(2010)43/FINAL];

Having regard to the formal opinions of the OECD bodies listed in the Accession Roadmap [C(2010)44/FINAL];

Having regard to the Note by the Secretary-General on the Position of Israel on Legal Instruments Not Reviewed by OECD Bodies [C(2010)45];

Having regard to the Agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on the Privileges, Immunities and Facilities Granted to the Organisation and the related Exchange of Letters, signed on 19 January 2010;

Considering that the Government of the State of Israel is prepared to assume the obligations of membership of the Organisation;


1.     The State of Israel is invited to accede to the Convention on the terms proposed in the Final Statement by the Government of the State of Israel [C(2010)43/FINAL] and those set out below.

2.     The State of Israel shall only accede to the Convention if the Agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on the Privileges, Immunities and Facilities Granted to the Organisation, signed on 19 January 2010, has entered into force.

3.     The State of Israel shall provide its position on each legal instrument of the Organisation adopted between the date of the present Decision and the date of the accession of the State of Israel to the Convention within three months after the adoption of such legal instrument.

4.     All prior agreements on the participation of the State of Israel in OECD bodies as a non-Member shall be terminated as from the date of the accession of the State of Israel to the Convention.  As from that date, the State of Israel will participate in those OECD bodies as a Member of the Organisation.

5.     The State of Israel shall provide progress reports to OECD bodies after its accession to the Convention as follows:

(a)      Chemicals Committee: A progress report within two years after accession and periodically thereafter, if required;
(b)      Environment Policy Committee: A progress report within two years after accession and periodically thereafter, if required;
(c)      Corporate Governance Committee: A progress report within two years after accession;
(d)      Committee on Financial Markets: A progress report within three years after accession;
(e)      Insurance and Private Pensions Committee: A progress report within three years after accession;
(f)       Committee on Statistics: A progress report within two years after accession;
(g)      Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee: A progress report within two years after accession;
(h)      Trade Committee: A first progress report within two years after accession and a second progress report five years after accession.

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