woensdag 20 augustus 2008

Syrië wil zetel in IAEA voor veto

Het Syrische Gush Shalom? Helaas krijgen ze niet de waardering van linkse intellectuelen en mensenrechtenactivisten die Uri Avnery en de zijnen ten deel valt. Er is bovendien een groot verschil met Gush Shalom en andere radikale Israëlische vredesorganisaties: zij bestrijden een democratie en hun wordt door Israël niks in de weg gelegd, ondanks de schade die zij Israël met hun extreem eenzijdige kritiek berokkenen. De Reform Party of Syria wordt geleid door Syrische dissidenten in de VS, want de Syrische dictatuur laat zulke kritische geluiden niet toe. Deze mensen handelen met gevaar voor eigen leven, of dat van vrienden en familie, want de arm van de Syrische geheime dienst is lang, en Syrië kent weinig scrupules. Maar voor dat alles is maar weinig belangstelling in tegenstelling tot de Israëlische 'dissidenten'.


Syria Seeks IAEA Veto Seat


Washington DC - August 17, 2008/RPS Staff/ -- A story published by Ehpraim Asculai in the Jerusalem Post on August 16 makes reference to Syria looking to get a seat on the Board of Governors of the IAEA. The very same organization headed by Mohammad ElBaradai who was shocked to learn that the Assad regime has built a nuclear reactor under the nose of his organization. But instead of thanking the diligence of the Israeli Air Force for its attempts at stopping a rogue regime of terror to arm itself with a nuclear weapon, which would have harmed the Syrian people, he rather poured venom against Israel for not informing IAEA of the fact in the first place.

The significance this latest Syrian move is that the regime will be able, in the future, to veto any action the IAEA might take against Syria should Assad pursue again arming his regime with nuclear weapons. This only proves that Assad does have such intentions and Syrian attempts at a seat on the Board of Governors is an attempt to buy insurance against such eventuality.

Rogue and regimes of terror have implanted themselves within organizations deciding the fate of the free world. Their purpose is to use the very same systems of checks and balances the west has devised in order to contain disasters and protect humanity at large to spread disasters, terror, and threaten humanity at large.


Copyrights 2003-2008 - Reform Party of Syria (RPS) except where otherwise noted - all rights reserved.


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