vrijdag 22 augustus 2008

Opiniepeiling in Israël door Geneefs Initiatief: steun voor onderhandelingen en internationale bemoeienis

Onderhandelingen voor een definitief vredesakkoord kunnen rekenen op steun van 60% van de Israëli's, terwijl 1/3 deel tegen is. Ruim 40% vindt dat er zelfs met Hamas onderhandeld moet worden. Tegelijkertijd verwacht meer dan 60% niet dat er een vredesakkoord overeengekomen kan worden met de Palestijnen. Hieraan zal niet alleen de Hamasregering in Gaza debet zijn, maar ook de onbuigzame opstelling van Abbas en zijn onvermogen om de orde te handhaven op de Westoever en dus om zijn afspraken na te komen.
Een meerderheid ziet wel de noodzaak van vooruitgang in het vredesproces in, alleen al omdat het alternatief meer Palestijns geweld zou zijn.
Een binationale staat, het lievelingetje van steeds meer Westerse antizionisten, heeft maar de voorkeur van 14% van de Israëli's, dat is minder dan het percentage Israëlische Arabieren, die ook ondervraagd zijn. Zo'n 75% wil een tweestatenoplossing, en bijna de helft kan zich vinden in het (officieuze) Geneefse Akkoord van 2003.
Het is verbazend dat bijna 60% voorstander is van meer Europese bemoeienis met het conflict, tegen slechts 40% anderhalf jaar terug. Misschien dat men meer vertrouwen heeft in nieuwe Europese leiders als Sarkozy en Merkel dan in hun voorgangers. De Europese Unie oefent doorgaans toch meer kritiek uit op Israël dan op de Palestijnen. Maar met een deel van die kritiek zijn veel Israëli's het wellicht eens, zoals op het steeds maar niet ontruimen van de buitenposten en misdragingen van fanatieke kolonisten in o.a. Hebron, die velen ergeren en het land een slechte naam bezorgen.

Israeli Poll shows dramatic increase in public support for International involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process
Poll, held in late July, shows a dramatic rise in the Israeli public's support for international involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with 73% supporting increased U.S. involvement and 58% supporting increased European involvement. The poll also shows 75% of Israelis believe the current situation with no political progress is bad for Israel, half support the principles of the Geneva Accord, and one third still believe Olmert has the legitimacy to advance the political process.
August 2008
MarketWatch Israeli Public Opinion Poll:
The Sample: The survey was held among a representative sample of 600 respondents across Israel, ages 18 and up (including new immigrant and Arab sectors, proportionally to their percentage in the population).
MarketWatch Research conducted the survey by phone, using a computerized polling system.
The survey was held on July 25th-25th, 2008.
The margin of error for a sample of 600 is 4.0%+/-

Are you for or against Israel conducting final status negotiations with the Palestinians? / conducting negotiations with Mahmoud Abbas?
For              60%
Against        35%
Undecided     5%

Are you for or against Israel conducting negotiations with Hamas?
For              43%
Against        55%
Undecided    3%

In your opinion, is Mahmoud Abbas a partner who should not be missed, or would it be better to wait for the next leader?
Should not be missed       47%
Wait for the next leader    35%
Undecided                       17%

In your opinion, does Ehud Olmert have the legitimacy to advance negotiations now, or would it be better to wait for the next leader?
Has the legitimacy            34%
Wait for the next leader     59%
Undecided                         7%

Do you or do you not believe a permanent status agreement can be reached with the Palestinians to end the conflict?
Believe              34%
Don't believe      62%
Undecided          4%

Would you support or oppose  an agreement with the following articles (the Geneva Accord):
An almost complete withdrawal to the' 67 borders, excluding some settlement blocks, in return for which uninhabited areas will be handed over
Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem will be under Israeli sovereignty and Arab neighborhoods under Palestinian Sovereignty
The Jewish Quarter and the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem will be under Israeli sovereignty, the Temple Mount and Arab quarters in the Old City under Palestinian sovereignty
A demilitarized Palestinian state and the establishment of comprehensive security arrangements to protect Israel
The return of refugees to the Palestinian state and the limited admission of refugees into Israel based on Israel's exclusive judgment
A mutual announcement by Israel and the Palestinians on the end of conflict and end of all claims
Support         49%
Oppose         37%
Undecided     13%

Should the current situation continue with no political progress opposite the Palestinians, would it be good or bad for Israel in your opinion?
Good for Israel      19%
Bad for Israel        74%
Undecided             7%

Should Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas form a Palestinian unity government, would this increase, decrease, or have no effect on the chances of arriving at an agreement with the Palestinian?
Increase             27%
Decrease           30%
Have no effect    35%
Undecided           8%

If the current situation were to continue with no significant political progress, what do you think would happen?
Terrorism and acts of violence would increase    56%
There would be no change in the levels of terrorism and violence   31%
Terrorism and acts of violence would decrease    7%
Undecided                                                        7%

If the current situation were to continue with no significant political progress, what do you think would happen in the balance of power between Hamas and Fatah?
Hamas would take over the West Bank             37%
There would be no change - Hamas would rule in Gaza and Fatah in the W. Bank  33%
Fatah and Abbas would regain control of Gaza  10%
Undecided                                                      20%

There are those who claim that in a situation with no significant progress, Israel could turn into a binational state, meaning that the Palestinians would relinquish their demand for a state and instead demand to live in Israel as citizens. In such a situation, two nations would live within the borders of Israel. In your opinion, could a situation like this come about or not?
Could come about           26%
Could not come about      71%
Undecided                        3%

Which situation do you view as preferable?
The establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, meaning two states for two peoples    74%
The establishment of a binational state, meaning one state for two peoples    14%
Neither        9%
Undecided   3%

Do you support or oppose increasing U.S. involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian process?
                 August 05    July 08
Support        47%          73%
Oppose        45%          23%
Undecided     8%           4%

Support for increased U.S. involvement according to intended vote:
Support      85%
Oppose      15%
Undecided   0%
Support      96%
Oppose       3%
Undecided   1%
Support       91%
Oppose        9%
Undecided    0%
Support       75%
Oppose       18%
Undecided    6%
National Religious Party
Support       61%
Oppose       27%
Undecided   12%
Support       47%
Oppose       54%
Undecided    0%

Do you support or oppose increasing European involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian process?
                 January 07    July 08
Support        40%           58%
Oppose        53%           37%
Undecided     7%             5%

Support for increased European involvement according to intended vote:
Support       73%
Oppose       11%
Undecided   16%
Support       97%
Oppose       10%
Undecided   3%
Support       87%
Oppose       12%
Undecided    1%
Support       53%
Oppose       43%
Undecided    4%
National Religious Party
Support       25%
Oppose       70%
Undecided    5%
Support      54%
Oppose      40%
Undecided   6%

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