vrijdag 6 maart 2015

Stopzetten veiligheidssamenwerking met Israel is show Abbas


Het is bepaald niet de eerste keer dat Abbas (want hij staat aan het hoofd van zowel PLO als PA als Fatah dat op zijn beurt weer de PLO controleert – zie ook kaartje hieronder) hiermee dreigt. Het doel is doorgaans om meer concessies los te peuteren bij Israel. Ook zullen Europa en de VS Israel onder druk zetten om concessies te doen zodat de genereuze Abbas wellicht van plan is hiervan af te zien. Stopzetten van de samenwerking heeft zeer nadelige gevolgen voor de PA zelf dat op de Westbank door Hamas wordt bedreigd.


Haaretz schrijft:


Instead of implementing the decision immediately, however, Abbas is expected to try to use the threat of its implementation to push the United States and the European Union to pressure Israel to halt construction in the settlements and release Palestinian prisoners as conditions for restarting diplomatic negotiations. In his speech to the council on Wednesday, Abbas said explicitly that he would be willing to resume negotiations if those two conditions were fulfilled.

Het is een bekend patroon: eenzijdig voorwaarden stellen, waarvoor in ruil meneer eventueel bereid is een paar keer te komen praten. Misschien dat wanneer Abbas zelf met een aantrekkelijk of redelijk voorstel zou komen, dit de Israelische kiezer nog zou kunnen beïnvloeden, en het gevoel kan geven dat er wat te kiezen is: een harde lijn of toch weer de weg van onderhandelingen en vrede bewandelen. Maar ik denk dat maar weinig Israeli’s nog heil zien in het praten met Abbas, de man van de eindeloze voorwaarden en het weglopen zodra hij zijn zin niet krijgt. En dat speelt de hardliners in Israel natuurlijk in de kaart.





Political Pallywood in "decision" to stop security coordination with Israel



Mahmoud Abbas has threatened for years to stop security coordination with Israel, similar to his perennial threats to resign or to dissolve the PA.

Which makes this story interesting:


The leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation has voted to suspend all security co-operation with Israel, insisting that Israel – as occupying power – should assume all responsibilities for the Palestinian territories under international law.

A statement issued by the PLO’s central committee on Thursday night announced it was calling for the suspension of “all forms of security coordination given Israel’s systematic and ongoing non-compliance with its obligations under signed agreements, including its daily military raids throughout the State of Palestine, attacks against our civilians and properties.”

Although the final decision to implement the council’s decision rests with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, well-informed sources told the Guardian that Abbas supported the decision.

The move, which came after two days of talks by the PLO’s central council, comes in the midst of a close-run Israeli election campaign and is certain to escalate tension between Palestinians and Israelis.

The PLO’s central council is the second highest decision-making body. Significantly, it takes the threat to end cooperation beyond rhetorical statements to mandate action on the issue.

The statement added: “Israel, the occupying power in Palestine, must assume all its responsibilities in accordance with its obligations under international law.”

It called for a boycott of all Israeli products and not only those coming from Israeli settlements, adding: “Israel must pay the price for its refusal to assume its responsibilities under international law, including the systematic denial of the Palestinian right to self-determination.”

Although the Guardian understands that the end of security cooperation will not be immediate, the decision by the PLO is regarded as binding on the Palestinian Authority and Abbas.


The Palestinian security forces report to the PA, not the PLO. But the PA itself reports to the PLO. 

PLO members are not elected, and the supposedly democratic PA is subservient to the self-selected leaders of the PLO.

The PLO of course is dominated by Fatah.

And the PLO, Fatah and PA are all headed by the same person:



While The Guardian assumes that there is some sort of formalized process going on here where an independent PLO Central Committee voted for this decision, everything is up to (and orchestrated by) Abbas - including implementation of the decision.


Ha'aretz disagrees with the Guardian:


Instead of implementing the decision immediately, however, Abbas is expected to try to use the threat of its implementation to push the United States and the European Union to pressure Israel to halt construction in the settlements and release Palestinian prisoners as conditions for restarting diplomatic negotiations. In his speech to the council on Wednesday, Abbas said explicitly that he would be willing to resume negotiations if those two conditions were fulfilled.

The council’s decision to suspend security coordination indicates that its members are seeking to keep the PLO, and themselves, relevant among the Palestinian public by taking aggressive positions in response to what they view as Israel’s peace rejectionism.


The entire thing is theatre. Abbas used the committee to pretend that he will do something he has no desire or interest in doing, but it is meant to scare the West, just as his previous threats spook Western nations into pressuring Israel. 

The Guardian is playing its role, by gravely informing its readers that this is serious. 

It's not. It's the political Pallywood. As usual, it will work to add pressure to Israel, which is the real point of this farce.

Ha'aretz is probably wrong in the goal being to release prisoners or stop settlement activities, although that will be part of conversations with the West. The goal will be  to have Israel release the tax revenues that it has been withholding from the PA after its decision to go to the ICC to charge Israel with war crimes.


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