In het kader van de pogingen van de VS om de vredesbesprekingen weer op te starten, heeft Abbas Israel er van beschuldigd de Al Aqsa Moskee te vernietigen en een religieuze oorlog uit te lokken. Dit is natuurlijk nergens op gebaseerd en vooral bedoeld om te verdoezelen dat hij zelf helemaal niks te bieden heeft: concessies aan Israel kunnen hem zijn kop kosten, want het Palestijnse publiek hoort nog steeds dagelijks via de media dat Israel niet deugt en het hele land de Palestijnen toebehoort en het een eer is de martelaarsdood te sterven voor Palestina.
PA Foreign Affairs ministry calls J'lem light show "explicit call to religious war"
The fourth annual Jerusalem Festival of Light starts tonight, and I wish I was in Israel to see it!
Not everyone is happy about this, of course. In fact, according to the Palestinian Foreign Ministry, it is nothing less than Israel's bid to start a regional war.
Al Jazeera (Arabic) reports:
Palestinians protested strongly on Tuesday ahead of planned Israeli celebrations in the municipality of Jerusalem scheduled tomorrow in the eastern part of the city to commemorate the occupation of the West Bank in 1967.
The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the organization of the festival called "Lights" in the vicinity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the old city tomorrow is "an explicit call to a religious war in the region as a whole."
The ministry warned, in a press release, the risk of grabbing the Al Aqsa Mosque and dividing it [between Muslims and Jews] temporally and spatially, in the wake of extremist Jewish organizations in Jerusalem yesterday calling to pray at the holy mosque.
The ministry assigned full responsibility to the Israeli government for the activities practiced by extremists against Islamic places of worship and Christianity, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in particular.
The PA foreign ministry's website is not functional and shows a default Linux test page, so I couldn't verify this with them directly. (They are also running an outdated version of Apache, if any Israeli hacker is looking for an easy target...)
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