vrijdag 13 november 2009

Palestijnse arbeiders en vakbonden steunen geen boycot van Israel

Dit is goed nieuws. Het komt wel vaker voor dat sympathisanten van de Palestijnen (of van Israel) buiten het gebied fanatieker zijn dan de mensen die daar leven en die dagelijks met het conflict te maken hebben. Vanuit deze werkelijkheid zijn zij soms (helaas gaat dit lang niet altijd op) meer tot compromis en samenwerking geneigd dan de kemphanen in het Westen. Met name in Groot-Brittannië is er een militante groep antizionisten, die iedere samenwerking en compromis met de zionistische vijand afwijzen. Sommige Nederlanders, waaronder een zekere oud-premier, dreigen diezelfde kant op te gaan.
Palestinian workers and unions don't support Israel Boycott
In an extraordinary series of blog postings, British trade unionists visiting Israel and Palestine have learned that Palestinian workers and their unions are not enthusiastic supporters of the campaign for boycotts, divestments and sanctions (BDS) targetting Israel.

In fact, they were told bluntly that the BDS campaign is bad news for Palestinians.

USDAW National Executive member Mike Dixon wrote:

"There was a discussion about the boycott and it is clear that Palestinians don't want it – all they want is equal pay and a living."

The communications director for the Advance union added:

"Listening to people from both communities on the subject of the proposed international trade union boycott, it is evident that all parties oppose this action.  In a meeting with the Jerusalem Municipality workers, one view from the Palestinian contingent was that a boycott would be more detrimental to the Arab workforce than any other. The reason for this was that in the event of economic sanctions, it would cause a detrimental impact on the employment levels of their community."

The entire blog should be required reading for trade unionists in Britain and elsewhere.


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