vrijdag 13 maart 2009

Australië overweegt boycot Durban II racisme conferentie

Goed nieuws! Wie volgt?
Dergelijke formuleringen zijn eigenlijk idioot:
"Israel and Canada have already withdrawn from the April 20-24 World Conference Against Racism in Geneva amid fears Arab nations will use it to criticize Israel."
Zij - en in principe ook de VS - hebben zich teruggetrokken omdat Israel - als enige land - van misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en misschien zelfs genocide beschuldigd zal worden, een racistische Apartheidsstaat genoemd zal worden en zo impliciet dan wel expliciet, haar bestaansrecht wordt ontkend. Dat gaat dus wel wat verder dan 'kritiek op Israel'.

Australia may quit racist Durban II conference

It is not clear how much of the protest has to do with Israel, and how much is related to the "blasphemy" clauses aimed at protecting Islam from criticism. 
Australia threatened on Thursday to withdraw from a UN conference on racism next month unless the wording of a document it considers hostile to Israel is dropped or substantially altered.
Israel and Canada have already withdrawn from the April 20-24 World Conference Against Racism in Geneva amid fears Arab nations will use it to criticize Israel.
The United States has also said it will not attend the conference unless the wording of the final declaration is altered radically. Israel is calling for a boycott of the event.
"If we form the view that the text is going to lead to nothing more than an anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic harangue, an anti-Jewish propaganda exercise, Australia will not be in attendance," Foreign Minister Stephen Smith told parliament.
Critics also object to final declaration sections they say could limit freedom of religion or speech.
The United States and Israel walked out of the first UN conference on racism in Durban, South Africa, in 2001, to protest against an attempted resolution comparing Zionism to racism.

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