maandag 8 december 2008

230 Palestijnen vrij als gebaar van goede wil

IJzervreter Aaron Lerner is tegen iedere concessie die Israel doet aan de Palestijnen, maar in dit geval heeft hij een punt: hoe groot is het verschil tussen de poging iemand te vermoorden en de moord zelf? De relevante vraag hier is vooral hoe groot de kans is dat deze mensen opnieuw aanslagen gaan plegen, tegenover het positieve effect dat uitgaat van een dergelijke 'goodwill gesture'. Als je bedenkt hoeveel daadwerkelijke moordenaars Israel bereid is vrij te laten voor Shalit (men heeft zich bij het merendeel van de namen op de lijst die Hamas heeft overhandigd neergelegd), is dit peanuts en dus enerzijds niks om je druk om te maken en anderzijds zal het ook Abbas niet echt helpen omdat deze vrijlating in het niet valt bij wat Hamas straks voor Shalit krijgt.
List of 230 Palestinians set for release includes 81 murderers
Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA
7 December 2008

A review of the list of 230 Palestinian prisoners set for release that appear on the website of the Israel Prison Authority finds that 81 are serving time for attempting to murder. See for the list in Hebrew

While the announcement (see below) notes that none of them have "blood on their hands" it is not due to a lack of effort on their part.  Most of the remaining prisoners on the list were sentenced for shooting at people, placing bombs, and other violent activity - but for some reason the charges did not include the intention to kill.


Notification-Release of Palestinian Prisoners 07.12.08

On the occasion of the festival Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice ) and  as a gesture of goodwill to the Head of the Palestinian Authority, the Government of Israel decided on December 7 2008,  to release 230 Palestinian prisoners in accordance to the criteria set by previous  government decisions, that is to say no release of those prisoners with "blood on their hands " belonging to Hamas or Palestinian Jihad.

The government appointed a Ministerial Committee which approved the list of prisoners presented to it who were found suitable to the criteria fixed by a Coordinating Committee headed by the Director-General of the Ministry of Justice including representatives of all the relevant authorities connected with the matter (General Security Service, Israel Prison Service, Israel Defence Force and Ministry of Justice ).

It should be noted that the decision in respect to the prisoners release is conditional to the agreement of the relevant authorities and after considering any objections that were raised.

For  inquiries or further information , please contact the Department 0f Pardons at the Ministry of Justice : 02-6466801/2/3/4/ between 08:30-16:00

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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