woensdag 9 juli 2008

VN Resolutie 1701 dreigt te bezwijken

Het hangt dus mede af van ons of Hezbollah zich verder zal bewapenen en er mogelijk een einde komt aan de wapenstilstand. De Europese Unie, die de meeste soldaten in Zuid-Libanon heeft, zou kunnen aandringen op beter toezicht en handhaving van resolutie 1701. We staan altijd klaar om Israel te bekritiseren en zaken voor de Palestijnen voor elkaar te krijgen, laten we nu tonen dat we ook voor Israels veiligheid opkomen en voor het internationale recht wanneer het Israel in het gelijk stelt.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Defense officials: UN Resolution 1701 on the verge of collapse
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, passed to stop the Second Lebanon War, is on the verge of collapse as Syria continues to rearm Hizbullah, senior defense officials warned Tuesday night ahead of a scheduled security cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will convene the cabinet to discuss the rearmament of Hizbullah since the Second Lebanon War and to discuss ways to curb the flow of weapons from Syria to the guerrilla group.
During the meeting, the ministers will be briefed by Military Intelligence on Hizbullah's rehabilitation and preparation for another round of violence with Israel.
Defense officials said Israel's only course of action at present was to attempt to place pressure on diplomatic officials from European countries that contribute to UNIFIL.
"Syria is rearming Hizbullah at a rapid pace and this is proof that 1701 has completely failed," one official said.
The peacekeeping force's mandate will be up for renewal next month and Israel is looking to see if it will be possible to make changes that will give the force more freedom to prevent Hizbullah's rearmament.

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