zondag 6 juli 2008

Smokkelen van Egypte naar Gazastrook via de zee probleemloos

De kust van Gazastrook wordt blijkbaar niet meer gecontroleerd, noch door Israël noch door Egypte? Dit nieuws is aan de aandacht van de altijd alerte media ontsnapt, lijkt het.

Smuggling from Egypt to Gaza via Sea with no interference by Israel or Egypt
Dr. Aaron Lerner                  
Date: 2 July, 2008

Yediot Ahronot correspondent Alex Fishman reports in today's edition that according to senior Israeli security sources, Egypt has reduced it naval anti-smuggling activities as compared to the past.

Palestinian boats loaded with people and suspicious material can be seen passing within meters of Egyptian Coast Guard boats on their way from Egypt to Gaza.  Sometimes the Egyptians can be seen waiving hello to the passing boats and dinghies.

"Until the "calm" the [Israeli] Navy stopped boats, dinghies, etc. going from the Egyptian coast towards the Gaza coast that were suspected of being associated with the smuggling of weapons or activists to Gaza.  Since the "calm" this activity of the [Israeli] navy has ceased such that the water passage to Gaza has transformed into the "secure path" for smuggling.The complaints that Israel has passed to Egypt so far on this matter have not been answered in the field,"  reports Fishman.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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