Hamas heeft er eerder op gehint zich harder op te stellen in de onderhandelingen over een gevangenenruil, omdat Hezbollah al zoveel kon krijgen voor twee lijken.
Hamas says learned from Hizbullah deal
Hamas source says Islamist group expects Israel to harden stance in negotiations for release of Gilad Shalit following pardon of Kuntar in swap with Hizbullah: 'The deal proves that patience and fortitude will lead to us seeing celebrations here (in Gaza) similar to those in Lebanon'
Ali Waked
Published: 07.18.08, 01:40
Published: 07.18.08, 01:40
With Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser laid to rest, all eyes are now focused on the ongoing efforts to secure the release of Gilad Shalit – who was taken captive before them and is still being held in the Gaza Strip.
This coming Tuesday he was meant to be discharged after having completed his three years of mandatory service. Shalit's friends, who will be discharged without him, have announced they intend to stage a protest march beginning at the army's recruitment center in Gilad's name.
For now Hamas is refusing to discuss Israel's demand it make changes to the lists detailing which prisoners it wants released in return for Shalit.
A Hamas source told Ynet that if Israel attempts to harden its positions as a direct reaction to the scathing public criticism following the release of terrorist Samir Kuntar, "Shalit will remain in captivity for decades."
The source said that while Hamas was prepared for the change in Israel's stance, the group does not see the situation as different in any way following the swap with Hizbullah.
"The two are unrelated, but the Kuntar deal proves that patience and fortitude and a tough standing on the part of the Palestinian public will eventually lead to us seeing celebrations here (in Gaza) similar to those in Lebanon yesterday," he said.
"The public and the prisoner's families are pressuring us to stand our ground on the number and type of prisoners were are demanding released. These are prisoners condemned to dozens of life sentences. A prisoner who is supposed to sit in jail for 999 years, how will he get out if not in a deal like this one?"
According to the source Hamas has no intention of changing any of its demands. "The numbers and names are known, we are waiting for a clear Israeli answer."
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