vrijdag 29 februari 2008

Petitie tegen Israël Prijs voor Professor Sternhell

Professor Sternhell is niet alleen tegen de kolonisten, maar hekelt ook de fundering van de staat Israël. Hij heeft een boek geschreven over de Labor Zionistische beweging waarin hij die neerzet als een expansionistische, nationalistische, agressieve beweging. Kortom, het bekende revisionistische verhaal waarin het Zionisme inherent slecht was en uit op onteigening van de Arabieren, met de bekende verdraaide en selectieve citaten van Ben-Goerion om dat te 'bewijzen'.
Dat veel Zionisten zich in het begin van de eeuw niet konden voorstellen dat men een leger zou hebben en oorlogen zou voeren, dat men oprecht dacht met de Arabieren vreedzaam samen te kunnen leven, dat men een Joodse meerderheid puur door immigratie en niet door verdrijvingen dacht te kunnen bereiken, dat de Palestijnse Arabieren in de periode tussen 1900 en 1948 in aantal verdubbelden, en hun welvaart, levensduur, en levensomstandigheden toenamen vanwege Zionistische ontwikkeling van het land, dat wordt door mensen als Sternhell genegeerd.
Hij heeft het recht zijn visie op zaken te geven, maar een nationale prijs lijkt mij wat teveel eer.

Stop the shame! No Israel Prize to a civil war inciter!

www.haforum.org.il/newsite/atzoma.asp to sign petition in Hebrew]

We, the undersigned, citizens of the State of Israel, believe in the civil liberty and the right of every citizen to live in peace and protest the award of the Israel Prize to Professor Zeev Sternhell.

Over the years, Professor Sternhell has made several outrageous statements against the residents of Judea and Samaria, justified terrorism against them, and called for a civil war.

In his article, "Against the Moonstruck Government" (Haaretz, May 11, 2001) Sternhell legitimized arab terrorism in Judea and Samaria and advised the terrorists to focus their efforts on the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria, as a means for turning the Green Line into an international border.

Many Israelis, possibly the majority of the voters, do not doubt the legitimacy of the armed resistance in the territories proper. Had the Palestinians the least bit of sense, they would have concentrated their struggle against the settlements and would not hurt women and children, fire rockets on Gilo, Nachal Oz, and Sderot, or plant explosives  on the western side of the Green Line. In this manner, the Palestinians would themselves draft the solution that will be reached in any case. The adjusted Green Line will serve as an international boarder, while a land exchange will compensate the Palestinians for the areas that have been or will be annexed to the State of Israel.

Several years prior, in Davar (April 5, 1988), Professor Sternhell saw a civil war  as a way of reinforcing the Israeli democracy, "only those willing to storm Ofra with tanks, will be able to stop the fascist wave threatening to drown the Israeli democracy."

Although the Israel Prize is awarded for achievements and not for opinions, as a national prize, awarded by the state via the Ministry of Education, it is meant to express recognition. The Israel Prize turns its recipients into objects of national pride and consensus. The prize is awarded in the name of all the Israeli citizens, including those, whom professor sternhell views as legitimate targets for terrorism.

In the past, the Israel Prize has been revoked for inappropriate statements. The award committee would have never thought of awarding the Israel Prize to anyone legitimizing terrorism against any population group. The "settlers" are no less human than the rest of the Israeli citizens and professor Sternhell's statements make him unworthy of the prize, even if he shares the political opinions of the Minister of Education.

We call on the prize committee to revoke the award of the Israel prize to Professor Sternhell. On the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, there are many worthier candidates for national recognition.

Professors for a strong Israel
POB 7010 Jerusalem 91070, Israel

The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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