vrijdag 29 februari 2008

IDF chef: Hamas kan binnen dagen Westoever overnemen

Zouden al die vredesactivisten, politici en sympathisanten van de Palestijnen die vinden dat Israël zich onmiddelijk uit de Westoever moet terugtrekken, daar weleens aan denken? De kans is groot, gezien de weinige ophef die de coup van Hamas in de Gazastrook afgelopen juni veroorzaakte, dat men dat niet zo'n probleem vindt. Zo'n coup reflecteert de wil van de Palestijnen, ook al staat Fatah in de peilingen al maanden voor, en Hamas heeft toch een fijn sociaal netwerk? Dat ze de kinderen al jong leren dat een Jood voor je ontbijt erbij hoort en ze jongeren recruteren om voor Allah te sterven, is natuurlijk slechts Zionistische laster.

IDF W. Bank chief: Hamas could take over in days

"Without the massive IDF presence in the West Bank, Hamas would take over the institutions and apparatuses of the Palestinian Authority within days," OC Central Command Maj.-Gen. Gadi Shamni told President Shimon Peres Tuesday as the two toured the Command's main base in Jerusalem.

Shamni said Hamas was engaged in a constant effort to increase its influence in the region "and its presence is felt in hospitals, preschools, schools, universities and mosques."

Peres was shown a Kassam rocket and launcher captured in Nablus. "Although there are no rocket attacks emanating from the West Bank, we've found rockets produced here, and this tells us that there are [rocket production] labs in the region," Shamni said.

Shamni said the Palestinian Authority was exerting great efforts in keeping the public order but was not seriously working to stop terrorists operating in the West Bank. On the other hand, he said, "for the first time in a decade, the IDF, intelligence services and the police have managed to almost completely prevent terror attacks on the home front."

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