vrijdag 18 januari 2008

Palestijnse gezondheidsminister beschuldigt Hamas van plunderen brandstof uit ziekenhuis Gaza

De Hamas milities vinden het belangrijker om raketten te kunnen bouwen en afvuren op Israël dan dat zieken behandeld kunnen worden. Kwestie van prioriteiten. Ondanks de ernstige brandstoftekorten zijn de afgelopen dagen een recordaantal raketten afgeschoten. Overigens is het niet zo dat Israël nauwelijks meer olie levert en het volgende is onjuist:

"Since June, Israel has reduced deliveries to a trickle."

De beslissing om gas, stroom en olie te reduceren is pas in oktober genomen, en meermaals uitgesteld en aangevochten. De regering werd door het Hooggerechtshof gedwongen met nieuwe plannen te komen om te voorkomen dat onschuldige burgers er tezeer de dupe van zouden worden. Daarop heeft Israël de verlaging van energieleveranties beperkt tot een paar procent.

Palestinian health ministry accuses Hamas of looting Gaza Strip hospital's reserve fuel
Date: 06 / 12 / 2007  Time:  14:09

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Palestinian health ministry of the Ramallah-based caretaker government said on Thursday that "Hamas militias" have looted the fuel stores destined for hospital vehicles in the Gaza Strip.

A statement released by the health ministry said that fuel from the European hospital in the Gaza Strip had been stolen by the director of the hospital drivers to supply the Hamas-affiliated Executive Force.

The statement explained that the fuel reserve had been supplied by the ministry to enable the hospital to continue working for as long as possible.

The desperate shortage of fuel in the Gaza Strip has meant that gas stations have shut down and most cars are off the road as Israel continues its reduction of vital fuel supplies.

The Gaza Strip is completely dependent on fuel imports. Normally, hundreds of thousands of liters of fuel pass through the Israeli-controlled Nahal Oz checkpoint each day.

Since June, Israel has reduced deliveries to a trickle. The Israeli High Court upheld the fuel cuts in a ruling on Friday, defeating a petition by Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups, who argue that the cuts constitute collective punishment.

*** Balanced Middle East News ***

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