dinsdag 15 januari 2008

Humanitaire hulpgoederen voor Gazastrook soms explosief

Sinds Samir A. weten we dat je met kunstmest op basis van ammoniumnitraat explosieven kunt maken. Samir A. had de verkeerde kunstmest ingekocht, maar in Gaza weten ze wel wat ze moeten bestellen: de explosieve soort.
Is dit de humanitaire hulp die Israël van het Rode Kruis en andere organisaties niet mag blokkeren? Volgens de krant is dit het tweede incident deze week. Twee weken terug gebruikten terroristen suikerzakken van de EU om ook een nitraatsoort te smokkelen die voor explosieven in de Qassam raketten worden gebruikt.
Dit zijn dus geen geisoleerde incidenten meer, en als Israël de boel niet zo streng zou controleren, zouden gigantische hoeveelheden wapens, explosieven en andere grondstoffen voor fabricatie van wapens worden binnengesmokkeld, met misschien wel honderden raketten per dag op Sderot en andere plaatsen als gevolg.
Ratna en Wouter


2 tons of explosives found amongst humanitarian aid en route to Gaza
Terror groups take advantage of Israeli permit allowing humanitarian goods into impoverished Gaza Strip, attempt to smuggle two tons of fertilizer in truck transporting aid in second such incident this week
Ynet News - 14 January 2008
Hanan Greenberg

Security workers employed by the Israel Airport Authority uncovered two tons of fertilizer used in the manufacturing of Qassam rockets on Monday afternoon, the substantial amount of explosive material was concealed in a truck allegedly transporting humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

The security officials manning the Kerem Shalom border crossing discovered the smuggling attempt during a random inspection of vehicles carrying humanitarian equipment and goods.

This is the second such incident to occur this week.

At present time defense officials are still investigating the incident and the origin and destination of the explosives remain unknown. Security forces estimate terror organizations have recently increased smuggling efforts. "As we have seen in the past, terror groups will stop at nothing to carry out their plans. We have seen a number of attacks against the crossings themselves, the Karni goods crossing has been closed for several months because of this - and it is the Palestinians who ultimately suffer from this," they said.

Despite the security restrictions and economic siege of Gaza, Israel allows the transfer of medical equipment and drugs into Gaza at the insistence of the World Health Organization.


Rocket-making materials caught at Gaza border crossing
Yaakov Katz and Shelly Paz , THE JERUSALEM POST Jan. 14, 2008

Israel Airports Authority (IAA) inspectors on Monday discovered two tons of dual-purpose fertilizer, which can be used to produce Kassam rockets, during a sample check of a humanitarian aid transport vehicle at the Kerem Shalom crossing from Israel into the Gaza Strip.

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) launched an investigation to determine the truck's origin and who was behind the transfer. Defense officials said that the incident was alarming and proved that Palestinian terrorists were trying to take advantage of the "humanitarian route" into Gaza for terror purposes.

The IAA stated that this was the second time within a week that its inspectors had discovered a dual-purpose substance on its way to the Gaza Strip under the cover of humanitarian aid shipments.

The IAA, which operates the Kerem Shalom crossing as well the Karni, Allenby, Nitzana, Taba, Jordan River and Yitzhak Rabin crossings, informed police and security forces about Monday's incident.

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