zaterdag 22 december 2007

Enquete onder Saoedi's: meerderheid tegen erkenning Israël onder alle omstandigheden

Ik schreef vandaag op mijn blog dat de meeste Arabieren Israël nog steeds weg willen hebben, iets dat door velen tegenwoordig als een 'oude Zionistische mythe' wordt beschouwd. Volgens onderstaande enquete is een kleine meerderheid van de Saoedi's voor gewapende strijd tegen Israël totdat het is vernietigd, en circa 30% voor erkenning van Israël nadat een Palestijnse staat is gecreëerd.
Er is niet gevraagd hoeveel mensen bereid zijn Israël als Joodse staat te erkennen, en dus het Joodse recht op zelfbeschikking (niet te verwarren met een religieuze staat), en hoeveel mensen erkennen dat niet alle vluchtelingen terug kunnen naar Israël. In dat geval zou het percentage dat voor erkenning is waarschijnlijk nog lager uitvallen.
Saoedi-Arabiërs houden niet van Joden:
Very Favorable 2.1% Somewhat Favorable 3.9%
Somewhat Unfavorable 7.0% Very Unfavorable 81.7%
Refused 4.1% Don't Know 1.1%

Ze houden ook niet van Al Qaida, maar zelfs die worden niet zo laag gewaardeerd als Joden. Hezbollah en Hamas doen het een stuk beter dan Al Qaida. In dezelfde lijn heeft men meer waardering voor Hezbollah leider Nasrallah en zelfs voor Osama Bin Laden dan voor Bush.
De boodschap lijkt duidelijk: Bush en de Joden zijn de grote kwelgeesten van deze wereld. Om deze boodschap wereldwijd uit te dragen, is het belangrijk dat Saoedi-Arabië overal moskeeen en religieuze scholen (mede) financiert: 
Q20e: Please tell me whether you think these priorities are very important, somewhat important, somewhat unimportant, or not at all important for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Providing financial assistance to mosques and madrassas in foreign countries?
Very Important 60.2%
Somewhat Important 21.1%
Somewhat Unimportant 5.3% Not At All Important 5.2%
Refused 3.1% Don't Know 5.1%
Poll of Saudis
This survey of Saudi Arabia was conducted for Terror Free Tomorrow by D3 Systems of Vienna, Virginia and KA Europe SPRL.
Interviews were conducted by phone from a CATI facility in a nearby country outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The survey was conducted in Arabic, among a random national sample of 1,004 Saudi Arabian nationals aged 18 and older from November 30 to December 5, 2007.

For complete results:

The following are selected results.

Q1: Which of the following sources do you use most often for news and information?
Television 79.2% Radio 4.0% Newspapers 6.0%
Internet 8.3% Mosque 5% Friends and Family 1.1%
Refused 2% Don't Know .7%

Q2a: Do you have access to the Internet At Home?
Yes 58.0% No 41.7% Refused 1% Don't Know 2%

Q5a: I will now read a list of countries. Please tell me your opinion of each country. Is your opinion very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable?

Very Favorable 22.3% Somewhat Favorable 24.6%
Somewhat Unfavorable 17.9% Very Unfavorable 26.1%
Refused 2.3% Don't Know 6.8%

The United States
Very Favorable 19.7% Somewhat Favorable 19.8%
Somewhat Unfavorable 14.4% Very Unfavorable 37.2%
Refused 2.7% Don't Know 6.2%

Q6a: I will read a list of different kinds of people. Please tell me your opinion of each group of people. Is your opinion very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable?

Very Favorable 23.4% Somewhat Favorable 27.9%
Somewhat Unfavorable 15.5% Very Unfavorable 24.0%
Refused 2.5% Don't Know 6.7%

Very Favorable 18.1% Somewhat Favorable 21.9%
Somewhat Unfavorable 16.4% Very Unfavorable 35.7%
Refused 2.8% Don't Know 5.1%

Very Favorable 2.1% Somewhat Favorable 3.9%
Somewhat Unfavorable 7.0% Very Unfavorable 81.7%
Refused 4.1% Don't Know 1.1%

Very Favorable 13.7% Somewhat Favorable 25.5%
Somewhat Unfavorable 14.0% Very Unfavorable 40.3%
Refused 2.5% Don't Know 4.1%

Q7b: Would any of the following improve your opinion of the United States?

US brokering a comprehensive Middle East peace between Israelis and Palestinians
A Great Deal 24.4% Somewhat 27.8%
Not Significantly 10.4% Not At All 26.1%
Refused 5.3% Don't Know 6.0%

Withdrawal of US forces from Iraq
A Great Deal 74.0% Somewhat 11.1%
Not Significantly 3.2% Not At All 4.4%
Refused 3.1% Don't Know 4.1%

US pushing to spread democracy in the Middle East
A Great Deal 16.6% Somewhat 19.6%
Not Significantly 12.5% Not At All 38.2%
Refused 5.9% Don't Know 7.1%

US Military equipment and training for the Saudi Arabian armed forces
A Great Deal 39.2% Somewhat 23.7%
Not Significantly 10.3% Not At All 12.7%
Refused 6.0% Don't Know 8.1%

US increasing visas for Saudi Arabians to come to the US to study or work
A Great Deal 57.1% Somewhat 16.9%
Not Significantly 6.2% Not At All 14.6%
Refused 1.9% Don't Know 3.2%

Q9: Do you favor or oppose the Government of Iran developing nuclear weapons?
Strongly Favor 14.0% Somewhat Favor 12.8%
Somewhat Oppose 23.5% Strongly Oppose 33.6%
Refused 8.6% Don't Know 7.4%

Q10: If all diplomatic means fail to stop the Iranian government from developing nuclear weapons, would you favor the United States and other countries accepting a nuclear-armed Iran, or would you favor the United States and other countries taking military action against Iran to try and prevent the Iranians from having nuclear weapons?
Favor US Accepting A Nuclear Armed Iran 26.6%
Favor US and Other Countries Taking Military Action to Prevent Nuclear Armed Iran 38.1%
Refused 19.9% Don't Know 15.4%

Q11: In your opinion, should the United States increase or decrease its involvement in trying to solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?
Strongly Increase Involvement 15.2% Somewhat Increase Involvement 17.9%
Somewhat Decrease Involvement 21.2% Strongly Decrease Involvement 28.0%
Refused 10.2% Don't Know 7.5%

Q12: Please listen as I read the following statements and tell me which is closest to your own opinion?

I would favor a peace treaty recognizing the State of Israel, if an independent Palestinian state is established 29.6%
I oppose any peace treaty recognizing the State of Israel, and I favor all Arabs continuing to fight until there is no State of Israel in the Middle East 51.3%
Refused 13.2% Don't Know 5.9%

Q13c: Do you favor or oppose Saudi citizens fighting in Iraq against US-led coalition forces?
Strongly Favor 25.1% Somewhat Favor 10.6%
Somewhat Oppose 12.7% Strongly Oppose 33.6%
Refused 11.1% Don't Know 6.9%

Q15: Do you favor or oppose Saudi Arabia working with the United States to help resolve the Iraq war?
Strongly Favor 51.1% Somewhat Favor 18.2%
Somewhat Oppose 10.2% Strongly Oppose 8.3%
Refused 7.8% Don't Know 4.5%

Q16 Saudi Arabia developing nuclear energy?
Strongly Favor 54.4% Somewhat Favor 13.1%
Somewhat Oppose 10.5% Strongly Oppose 9.4%
Refused 6.3% Don't Know 6.2%

Q17: Apart from nuclear energy, do you favor or oppose the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia developing nuclear weapons?
Strongly Favor 34.7% Somewhat Favor 17.3%
Somewhat Oppose 12.1% Strongly Oppose 19.1%
Refused 9.3% Don't Know 7.5%

Q18: Do you favor or oppose Saudi Arabia restricting its supply of oil to the United States because of current American policies?
Strongly Favor 18.8% Somewhat Favor 25.6%
Somewhat Oppose 19.0% Strongly Oppose 17.1%
Refused 10.2% Don't Know 9.2%

Q20e: Please tell me whether you think these priorities are very important, somewhat important, somewhat unimportant, or not at all important for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Providing financial assistance to mosques and madrassas in foreign countries?
Very Important 60.2% Somewhat Important 21.1%
Somewhat Unimportant 5.3% Not At All Important 5.2%
Refused 3.1% Don't Know 5.1%

Q21a: Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion about each of the following groups?

Al Qaeda
Very Favorable 3.6% Somewhat Favorable 5.9%
Somewhat Unfavorable 8.0% Very Unfavorable 56.4%
Refused 13.9% Don't Know 12.1%

Very Favorable 18.4% Somewhat Favorable 14.9%
Somewhat Unfavorable 11.7% Very Unfavorable 30.7%
Refused 11.8% Don't Know 12.5%

Very Favorable 18.6% Somewhat Favorable 18.6%
Somewhat Unfavorable 12.6% Very Unfavorable 26.5%
Refused 12.4% Don't Know 11.3%

Q23: Some people think that suicide bombings are justified. Some people think that suicide bombings are not justified. Do you think that suicide bombings are often justified, sometimes justified, rarely justified, or never justified?
Often Justified 5.1% Sometimes Justified 7.8%
Rarely Justified 6.5% Never Justified 73.9%
Refused 3.9% Don't Know 2.8%

Q25a: Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable opinion of:

George W. Bush
Very Favorable 3.0% Somewhat Favorable 9.2%
Somewhat Unfavorable 11.2% Very Unfavorable 65.3%
Refused 6.9% Don't Know 4.4%

Hassan Nasrallah
Very Favorable 17.8% Somewhat Favorable 20.8%
Somewhat Unfavorable 12.2% Very Unfavorable 26.5%
Refused 8.5% Don't Know 14.1%

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Very Favorable 12.9% Somewhat Favorable 18.2%
Somewhat Unfavorable 15.0% Very Unfavorable 28.2%
Refused 9.3% Don't Know 16.3%

Osama bin Laden
Very Favorable 7.6% Somewhat Favorable 7.7%
Somewhat Unfavorable 9.5% Very Unfavorable 54.3%
Refused 12.0% Don't Know 8.9%

Q26: Do you favor or oppose Osama bin Laden's fatwa calling on all Muslims to attack the United States and Americans wherever they are?
Strongly Favor 7.3% Somewhat Favor 8.9%
Somewhat Oppose 13.4% Strongly Oppose 52.8%
Refused 11.8% Don't Know 5.8%

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

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