vrijdag 16 maart 2007

Na Gaza wordt Israël ontruimd // Interview met kinderen zelfmoordterroriste

"Tel Aviv is gone. If death and murder chase them in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem,
Netanya and everywhere among them, then they will say: '. I want to flee and
go back to Europe and America.' "

Deze boodschap wordt dagelijks meerdere keren op Hamas TV uitgezonden. De aanleiding is de terugtrekking van Israël uit de Gazastrook.
Yassin's message was that the Palestinians had found the key to destroying
Israel. Since terror was forcing Israel to leave its towns in the Gaza
Strip, the Palestinians would now only have to keep up the terror in
Israel's other cities and Israel would run from those as well.
De Israelische terugtrekking is dus een teken van zwakte en een uitnodiging tot meer geweld.
Toch hangt bijna iedereen hier het geloof aan dat Israëlische concessies tot vrede zullen leiden, en Westerse landen Israël zwaarder onder druk moeten zetten en desnoods met sancties tot ontmanteling van de nederzettingen op de Westoever te dwingen.  
Zolang de Kassam raketten, de wapensmokkel en de opruiing in Palestijnse media niet worden aangepakt, leiden Israëlische concessies niet tot minder, maar tot meer geweld, en zullen honderdduizenden Palestijnen slachtoffer blijven van de strenge en soms wrede Israëlische anti-terrorisme maatregelen.


Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin - March 14, 2007
View this bulletin online here

Hamas TV: Gaza evacuation by Israel leads to destruction of Israel

Hamas's new Al Aqsa Satellite TV broadcasts numerous political messages
during its daily programming. The message that has been repeating most
frequently this month is a statement made by Ahmad Yassin, founder and
former head of Hamas, who was killed by Israel. The statement was made in
2005, in response to Israel's plan to evacuate Israeli towns in Gaza Strip.

Yassin's message was that the Palestinians had found the key to destroying
Israel. Since terror was forcing Israel to leave its towns in the Gaza
Strip, the Palestinians would now only have to keep up the terror in
Israel's other cities and Israel would run from those as well.

"Tel Aviv is gone. If death and murder chase them in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem,
Netanya and everywhere among them, then they will say: '. I want to flee and
go back to Europe and America.'"

Fatah and Hamas have been competing for years in taking credit for the
terror that they say forced the government of Ariel Sharon to decide to
leave Israeli towns in the Gaza Strip. The frequency that this has been
playing on Hamas TV - for example, seven times on March 12th alone -- 
indicates how important this political message is to Hamas.

Click here to see the Yassin political message on Hamas TV

The following is the transcript of Ahmad Yassin, founder and former head of
Hamas, reacting in 2005 to Israel's planned evacuation of Israeli towns in
Gaza Strip.

Broadcast numerous times daily in March 2007 - 7 times on March 12:

"Sharon, said yesterday that 'Nezarim [Israeli town in Gaza Strip] is [like]
Tel Aviv.' Today he says: 'The day is near when we will leave Gaza.' That's
it, it's lost, Tel Aviv is gone. They are defeated, they have no words left.
... When this process will end, they will become a state with no ability,
helpless. They established a state to protect the Jews from death and
murder. If death and murder chase them in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Netanya and
everywhere among them, then they will say: 'What am I doing here? I founded
a state to protect me from death, and if death chases me, I want to flee and
go back to Europe and America.'"
[Al Aqsa TV, numerous times daily, March 2007]

Please feel free to forward this bulletin, crediting Palestinian Media Watch

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Children of Palestinian Suicide Bomber Rim Al-Riyashi on Hamas TV:
Mama Killed Five Jews and She is in Paradise

To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit:
http://www.memri.org/bin/opener_latest.cgi?ID=SD150307 .

The following are excerpts of an interview with the children of Palestinian
suicide bomber Rim Al-Riyashi, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on March 8, 2007.

TO VIEW THIS CLIP VISIT: http://www.memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=1398.

"How Many Jews Did Mama Kill?"

Interviewer: "Let's talk with the two children of the jihad-fighting
martyrdom-seeker Rim Al-Riyashi, Dhoha and Muhammad. Dhoha, you love Mama,
right? Where did Mama go?"

Dhoha: "To Paradise."

Interviewer: "What did Mama do?"

Dhoha: "She committed martyrdom."

Interviewer: "She killed Jews, right?"

Interviewer: "How many did she kill, Muhammad?"

Muhammad: "Huh?"

Interviewer: "How many Jews did Mama kill?"

Muhammad: "This many... "

Interviewer: "How many is that?"

Muhammad: "Five."

Interviewer: "Do you love Mama? Do you miss Mama?

"Where is Mama, Muhammad?"

Muhammad: "In Paradise."

Interviewer: "Dhoha, what would you like to recite for us?"

Dhoha: "In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate: 'When comes the
help of Allah, and victory, and you see people entering the religion of Allah
in troops, then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and ask His forgiveness,
for He is ever ready to show mercy.'"

Interviewer: "What else would you like to recite? You have read the surah,
'When comes the help of Allah, and victory.' What would you like to recite for
us now?"

Dhoha: "'Mama Rim.'"

Interviewer: "Recite the poem 'Mama Rim' for us. Recite anything. What would
you like to recite?"

"I Want to Talk About Kindergarten"

Interviewer: "Muhammad, do you know how to recite?"

Muhammad: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Go on then, recite something for us. What would you like to

Dhoha: "I just remembered."

Muhammad: "I am in kindergarten."

Interviewer: "Are you doing well in kindergarten?"

Muhammad: "Yes."

Dhoha: "I am in kindergarten, I want to tell."

Interviewer: "Go on then, tell us. You're in kindergarten too? Are you in
kindergarten, Dhoha? In kindergarten or at school?"

Dhoha: "In kindergarten."

Interviewer: "That's great.

"One should talk about the innocence of children..."

Muhammad: "I'm in kindergarten too."

Interviewer: "You're in kindergarten too."

Dhoha: "I want to talk about kindergarten, I want to talk."

"Rim, You Are a Firebomb, Your Children and Submachine Gun Are Your Motto"

Interviewer: "What would you like to recite for us? Have you heard the poem
'Mama Rim'? Go on then, recite it for us."

Dhoha: "Rim, you are a fire bomb."

Interviewer: "Go on, recite it."

Dhoha: "'Your children and submachine gun are your motto.'"

Interviewer: "Muhammad, go ahead and recite..."

Muhammad: "I'm in kindergarten."

Dhoha: "That's it, I'm done."

Interviewer: "OK, do you want to go to Mama?"

Dhoha: "Yes."


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