zondag 8 augustus 2010

Holocaust ontkenning in cartoons op nieuwe website uit Iran

Een van de redenen dat Iran zo geobsedeerd is met de Holocaust en vooral de ontkenning daarvan, is dat die volgens haar Israel morele legitimiteit en immuniteit verschaft om met de Palestijnen te doen wat ze wil. Dat idee is onzinnig, want geen land wordt zo fel bekritiseerd als Israel, en daarbij wordt de Holocaust vaak juist tegen haar gebruikt. 'Een volk dat zoveel heeft geleden zou zelf juist' ...etc.
Ahmadinejad also has said that even if the Nazi mass murder was true, those responsible for the crime should be punished, but that Israel should not be allowed to use it a pretext for committing another Holocaust against Palestinians.
Dit soort onzin horen we helaas ook steeds vaker van Westerse columnisten, politici, journalisten en zogenaamde vredesactivisten: de Palestijnen zouden het slachtoffer zijn van onze misdaad tegen de Joden. In feite doet Israel meer dan de meeste andere landen in conflictsituaties om burgerdoden te vermijden, en is het aantal doden als gevolg van het Midden-Oosten conflict relatief gezien daarom ook behoorlijk laag. Er gaan zeker dingen mis, maar zo geredeneerd pleegt ieder land constant een Holocaust op iedereen. Iran gebruikt overigens zelf ook grof geweld tegen bijvoorbeeld de Arabische minderheid en heeft duizenden dissidenten opgepakt en gemarteld als reactie op vreedzame demonstraties door de oppositie. Ook homosexuelen en religieuze minderheden moeten continu op hun hoede zijn en kunnen om het minste of geringste worden opgepakt.
Iran launches cartoon website aimed at questioning the Holocaust
Yad Vashem slams website claiming to show that "the killing of 6 million Jews in the Second World War known as the Holocaust was a sheer lie".

Iran has launched a website with cartoons on the Holocaust aimed at undermining the historic dimensions of the mass murder of Jews during World War II, Fars news agency reported Thursday.
The site is financed by a non-governmental cultural foundation and mainly based on a cartoon book on the Holocaust published in 2008, which contained satirical cartoons and texts aimed at questioning the Holocaust.
The website, which opens to the Pink Panther theme song by Henry Mancini, reportedly wants to continue challenging the issue and show that "the killing of 6 million Jews in the Second World War known as the Holocaust was a sheer lie."
"The site is dedicated to all those who have been killed under the pretext of the Holocaust," Fars reported, referring to Palestinians who, according to Iran, were killed under the Holocaust pretext.
Reports of the site drew anger from Israel's national Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem.
"The launch of a website dedicated to denying the Holocaust through caricatures and text, is yet the latest salvo emanating from Iran that denies the facts of the Holocaust and attempts to influence those who are ignorant of history," Yad Vashem said in a statement.
"The vulgar and cynical approach of the website, a combination of Holocaust denial and distortion, illustrated with antisemitic caricatures, further illustrates Iran's disregard for reality and truth vis-a -vis the Holocaust, Jews and Israel."
Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, Iran has not acknowledged Israel as a sovereign state and even refrained from using the name Israel, instead referring to the Jewish state as the "Zionist regime."
The tensions reached a peak in 2005 when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started his anti-Israel tirades, calling the Holocaust a "fairy tale."
Iran hosted a Holocaust conference in Tehran in December 2006 which was attended by prominent anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi figures.
Ahmadinejad and other Iranian officials argue that while publishing insulting cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammad and humiliating the sentiments of over one billion Muslims is considered by the West as press freedom, an investigation of a historic event is considered a crime.
Ahmadinejad also has said that even if the Nazi mass murder was true, those responsible for the crime should be punished, but that Israel should not be allowed to use it a pretext for committing another Holocaust against Palestinians.

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