maandag 2 december 2013

Palestijnen aangevallen omdat ze Joods uitzagen


Er was onlangs commotie over Joel Voordewind die voor een bord stond waarop staat dat het verboden is voor Joden om Palestijns gebied (area A) te betreden. Hij had het over ‘voor Joden verboden’ en legde daarmee een link met de nazi’s. Veel mensen vielen hem daar hard op aan, omdat hij bewust zou hebben verdoezeld dat Israel zelf dit verbod heeft ingesteld, niet de PA. Dat mag zo zijn, feit is dat dit verbod er niet voor niets is gekomen. Veel Joden hebben warme herinneringen aan de tijd dat ze nog in Ramallah of Bethlehem naar de markt konden, zoals veel Palestijnen het missen dat ze niet meer naar Tel Aviv of het strand kunnen. De reden voor de verboden beide kanten op is het Palestijnse geweld tegen burgers. In Israel natuurlijk de vele aanslagen, en in Palestijns gebied en ook Arabische wijken in Oost Jeruzalem komt het geregeld voor dat Joden of toeristen die er Joods uitzien worden belaagd. Onderstaand incident schijnt niet uitzonderlijk te zijn; wat uitzonderlijk is, is dat het om Arabieren bleek te gaan die er Joods uitzagen.

According to him, the youth clearly mistook them for Jews: "Me and my wife look Jewish, even the police officer who arrived said 'at first sight I was sure you were Jews.' He told us that these types of things happen all the time."




Palestinians attacked in J'lem after being misidentified as Jews

Three Arab youths violently attack car of Palestinian family they misidentify as Jews. 'They tried opening the doors and my wife begged them to leave us alone. She spoke to them in Arabic and only then did they understand that we ourselves are Arabs'

Noam (Dabul) Dvir

Published:  12.01.13, 22:07 / Israel News

A Muslim family from east Jerusalem was attacked two weeks ago by three Arab youths near the road of Sur Baher. Only after the group learnt that the family was in fact Palestinian did they leave them alone.


Rashuan Salman, his wife and their baby daughter were making their way from Umm-Tuba to Jerusalem, using the same road used by the family of two-year-old Avigail Ben Zion who was moderately after being hit in the head by a rock, when they were attacked.


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"After driving along the road near Sur Baher three Arab youths jumped up on us," Salman told Ynet on Sunday.


Rashuan Salman, wife (Photo: Courtesy of family)
Rashuan Salman, wife (Photo: Courtesy of family)


"They tried to pull us out of the car and hit us, it seemed they were intent on lynching us. They tried opening the doors and my wife begged them to leave us alone. She spoke to them in Arabic and only then did they understand that we ourselves are Arabs, and left us alone. I hit the gas and drove away as fast as possible."


According to him, the youth clearly mistook them for Jews: "Me and my wife look Jewish, even the police officer who arrived said 'at first sight I was sure you were Jews.' He told us that these types of things happen all the time."


Unlike the aforementioned case of Avigail Ben Zion, which prompted quick and harsh response from security forces, Salman said the police told him it would take a number of days until something would be done.


"Maybe, if they would do something, than the little girls injury could have been prevented. If they would have acted – maybe there would be some deterrence and things would have gone differently," he says.


According to him, the police has all the tools necessary to stop at least one of the three. "My wife used to live in Umm-Tuba, she studied and lived in the area all her life. She identified one of the three, and gave the police his name and they even showed us his image in the computer. But as far as we know nothing has yet happened."


In response, Jerusalem District Police said that "a complaint was lodged and immediate afterwards an investigation was opened in a bid to find and capture an escaped suspect. We believe that we he will be arrested soon."

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