vrijdag 19 september 2008

IAEA Atoom Agentschap toont foto's aanpassing Iraanse raketten voor nucleaire kop

Het VN Atoom Agentschap geldt met name onder linkse mensen als zeer betrouwbaar. Wat zeggen ze hierop?
'Links' beweert tevens dat de opmerking van Achmadinejad over het 'van de kaart vegen van Israel' een verkeerde vertaling was door Westerse persbureaus, en de goede man het helemaal niet als een dreigement had bedoeld.
Neen, zijn speech werd door het Iraanse persbureau zo naar buiten gebracht. Omdat er veel misverstanden waren over zijn inderdaad wat onduidelijke formulering, hebben Achmadinejad en zijn trawanten nadien nog regelmatig herhaald dat ze Israel toch echt wel weg willen hebben, gisteren nog maar eens voor de Oostindisch dove progressievelingen.
Neen, hij zegt inderdaad niet letterlijk dat Iran een atoomraket op Tel Aviv wil gooien. Ik wil Achmadinejad niet met Hitler vergelijken (G-d verhoede!), maar zelfs die zei in zijn vlammende speeches niet expliciet dat hij alle Joden wou gaan vergassen. Hij zei dat ze minderwaardig waren, geen bestaansrecht hadden en zouden boeten voor wat ze Duitsland hadden aangedaan. De geesten rijp maken heet zoiets...

IAEA shows photos implicating Iran in nuclear missile development

The IAEA UN nuclear monitoring organization showed documents and photographs on Tuesday suggesting Iran secretly tried to modify a missile cone to fit a nuclear bomb. Tehran again dismissed the findings as forged. Previous IAEA reports had left the impression that Iran was more or less in compliance with IAEA requirements other than continued enrichment of uranium. A USA National Intelligence Estimate report in 2007 had concluded that Iran was no longer developing nuclear weapons.
Iran stated that an International Atomic Energy Agency inquiry into its nuclear activity was at a dead-end because the IAEA was demanding Tehran reveal conventional military secrets without nuclear dimensions. Iran has denied seeking atom bombs.
The IAEA stated in a report on Monday that Iranian stonewalling had brought an agency inquiry into whether Tehran had covertly researched ways to make a nuclear bomb to a standstill.
The IAEA wants Iran to clarify intelligence material pointing to links between Iranian projects to process uranium, test high explosives and modify a Shahab-3 missile cone in a way suitable for a nuclear warhead.
The Islamic Republic has denied the allegations but the IAEA says Iran must substantiate its position by granting access to sites, documents and relevant officials for interviews.
Top agency inspectors briefed its board of governors on the report's findings on Tuesday ahead of a meeting by the 35-nation body next week likely to heighten pressure on Iran to cooperate.
Washington's IAEA envoy said the group was shown photos and documents of Iranian work on re-designing a Shabab-3 to carry what would appear to be a nuclear weapon.
IAEA: Information on Iran is 'very credible'

"The (IAEA) Secretariat told us the information they have is in their words, 'very credible', and they have asked iran to provide 'substantive responses' " Gregory Schulte told reporters.
He said the meeting was told that Iran had refused IAEA requests to interview engineers involved in the work and visit their ostensibly civilian workshops, depicted in photos.
Iran repeated that the intelligence was forged or pertained only to conventional arms. It said Iran faced extraordinary and unacceptable pressure to prove unverified allegations were wrong by revealing information vital to its national security.
"No country would give information about its conventional military activities," Iran's IAEA ambassador said.
"I said in this briefing, 'Who in the world would believe there are a series of top secret documents U.S. intelligence found in a laptop regarding a Manhattan Project-type nuclear (bomb programme) in Iran and none of these documents bore seals of 'high confidential' or 'secret'?" Ali Asghar Soltanieh said.
"This is simply unbelievable. This matter is over, as far as we are concerned," he said.
Western concern was heightened by a revelation in the IAEA report that Iran may have had "foreign expertise" helping in experiments on a detonator applicable to an implosion-type nuclear blast occurring at high altitude.
Informed diplomats said the expertise appeared not to have been given by a government such as North Korea or any remnants of the ex-A.Q. Khan nuclear smuggling network that supplied Iran in the past, but by other non-state actors.
The IAEA has called for an explanation from Iran.

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