Waarom de Arabische wereld zoveel problemen heeft met de Holocaust, meer dan Duitsland zelf bijvoorbeeld, laat zich raden: alom wordt de Holocaust als Israëls belangrijkste morele rechtvaardiging gezien, wat ook blijkt uit de veelvuldig gestelde retorische vraag "waarom moeten de Palestijnen boeten voor wat Europa de Joden heeft aangedaan?" Niet alleen Palestijnen en Achmadinejad stellen deze vraag, ik hoor dergelijke sentimenten steeds vaker in gerenommeerde linkse kringen.
De filosofie is voor sommigen eenvoudig: als de Holocaust niet heeft plaatsgevonden, verdwijnt ook de morele basis onder Israëls bestaansrecht.
Voordat er vrede kan komen moet er een fundamentele verandering plaats vinden in de Arabische wereld: de notie moet doordringen dat de Joden een volk zijn met dezelfde nationale rechten als Arabieren en andere volken, en met een millennialange verbondenheid met het land Israël/Palestina. Dit houdt overigens geenszins een ontkenning van de eigen geschiedenis en verbondenheid met hetzelfde land in.
De extreem eenzijdige focus op het eigen leed en de eigen rechten van de Palestijnen, en de bevestiging hiervan door een toenemend aantal mensen in het Westen, lijdt tot stinkende wonden.
Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin - April 18, 2007
PA Holocaust denial in new PA schoolbooks:
WWII without a Holocaust
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
In response to queries about Holocaust denial in Palestinian Authority (PA)
education, the following is a section from the recent PMW report on PA
schoolbooks documenting the way in which the Holocaust has been eliminated
from the PA's new Grade 12 history textbook.
History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century teaches the military
and the political events of the Second World War in detail, including
sections on Nazi racial ideology, yet does not mention the Holocaust.
It is apparent that the PA educators made an active decision to leave the
Holocaust out of history. The new book carefully treads near and around the
Holocaust. It cites Nazi racist ideology and restrictions placed on
"inferior" non-Aryan nations, and even describes the post war trials of
"senior Nazi leaders as war criminals" (page 46). But it makes no reference
to the Holocaust or to Jews, nor does it mention the crimes for which the
war criminals were on trial.
Teaching the history of the Second World War in detail without mentioning
the Holocaust, the genocide of Jews or even the persecution of Jews is a
very efficient form of Holocaust denial. The Holocaust is simply expunged
from history.
This new history text follows the model of previous PA history schoolbooks,
which also did not mention the Holocaust in their sections on the history of
the Second World War.
The books go into great historical detail about the events of the war, but
in all of the PA history texts, the Holocaust never happened.
The following are highlights of texts from the PA history book on the Second
World War and Nazism:
Book Title:
The History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, for Grade 12.
Published in 2006 by PA Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
Page 123: Lesson 3 - Racial Discrimination
"Race Theory evolved during the thirties of the previous century, when the
Nazi movement appeared in Germany in 1933 and divided the nations into
superior and others who were inferior. It espoused the superiority of the
Aryan race, from which the Germans originated, passed racist laws and
limited the work positions to Germans alone, under the inference that [only]
they are equal in their rights and obligations, while others are subject to
special laws, which were imposed on them under the inference that they were
foreigners in their [German] land."
Pages 23-48: Section Two - World War I and World War II
Page 37: Lesson 3 - The international circumstances between the two world
wars (1918-1939).
Page 37: The severity of conditions imposed by the peace accords.
Page 37: The economic crisis.
Page 38: The rise of dictatorial governments
"With the worsening of the economic and social crisis following World War I
and the failure of the governments to deal with it, some of the peoples
found themselves standing at the side of the dictatorial rule, which
promised to find an effective treatment for their internal and external
problems. This led to some states being governed by a dictatorial rule, for
example Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan."
Page 40: Lesson 4 - World War II (1939-1945)
Page 40: The Immediate Cause: "The immediate cause of World War II was the
establishment of a corridor, which connects Poland with the Danzig Port, of
25 miles in width, which disconnected Eastern Prussia from Germany."
Pages 44-45: The End of the War (1942-1945)
[Teaching of the El Alamein battle; the defeat of the Axis forces, Japan's
defeat and the dropping of the atom bomb.]
Pages 45-46: The Peace Accords (1945-1947) - Potsdam Conference in 1945;.
"The Allied states established an international court to bring to trial the
senior Nazi leaders as war criminals." (Pg 46)
As is seen from this extensive education about the Second World War, the PA
educators made an active decision to avoid teaching their students that
there was a Holocaust.
Palestinian Media Watch Bulletin - April 18, 2007
PA Holocaust denial in new PA schoolbooks:
WWII without a Holocaust
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
In response to queries about Holocaust denial in Palestinian Authority (PA)
education, the following is a section from the recent PMW report on PA
schoolbooks documenting the way in which the Holocaust has been eliminated
from the PA's new Grade 12 history textbook.
History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century teaches the military
and the political events of the Second World War in detail, including
sections on Nazi racial ideology, yet does not mention the Holocaust.
It is apparent that the PA educators made an active decision to leave the
Holocaust out of history. The new book carefully treads near and around the
Holocaust. It cites Nazi racist ideology and restrictions placed on
"inferior" non-Aryan nations, and even describes the post war trials of
"senior Nazi leaders as war criminals" (page 46). But it makes no reference
to the Holocaust or to Jews, nor does it mention the crimes for which the
war criminals were on trial.
Teaching the history of the Second World War in detail without mentioning
the Holocaust, the genocide of Jews or even the persecution of Jews is a
very efficient form of Holocaust denial. The Holocaust is simply expunged
from history.
This new history text follows the model of previous PA history schoolbooks,
which also did not mention the Holocaust in their sections on the history of
the Second World War.
The books go into great historical detail about the events of the war, but
in all of the PA history texts, the Holocaust never happened.
The following are highlights of texts from the PA history book on the Second
World War and Nazism:
Book Title:
The History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, for Grade 12.
Published in 2006 by PA Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
Page 123: Lesson 3 - Racial Discrimination
"Race Theory evolved during the thirties of the previous century, when the
Nazi movement appeared in Germany in 1933 and divided the nations into
superior and others who were inferior. It espoused the superiority of the
Aryan race, from which the Germans originated, passed racist laws and
limited the work positions to Germans alone, under the inference that [only]
they are equal in their rights and obligations, while others are subject to
special laws, which were imposed on them under the inference that they were
foreigners in their [German] land."
Pages 23-48: Section Two - World War I and World War II
Page 37: Lesson 3 - The international circumstances between the two world
wars (1918-1939).
Page 37: The severity of conditions imposed by the peace accords.
Page 37: The economic crisis.
Page 38: The rise of dictatorial governments
"With the worsening of the economic and social crisis following World War I
and the failure of the governments to deal with it, some of the peoples
found themselves standing at the side of the dictatorial rule, which
promised to find an effective treatment for their internal and external
problems. This led to some states being governed by a dictatorial rule, for
example Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan."
Page 40: Lesson 4 - World War II (1939-1945)
Page 40: The Immediate Cause: "The immediate cause of World War II was the
establishment of a corridor, which connects Poland with the Danzig Port, of
25 miles in width, which disconnected Eastern Prussia from Germany."
Pages 44-45: The End of the War (1942-1945)
[Teaching of the El Alamein battle; the defeat of the Axis forces, Japan's
defeat and the dropping of the atom bomb.]
Pages 45-46: The Peace Accords (1945-1947) - Potsdam Conference in 1945;.
"The Allied states established an international court to bring to trial the
senior Nazi leaders as war criminals." (Pg 46)
As is seen from this extensive education about the Second World War, the PA
educators made an active decision to avoid teaching their students that
there was a Holocaust.
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