woensdag 2 januari 2008

Gematigde Fatah leden achter aanval op Israëli's

Een aanval op twee Israëli's op de Westoever afgelopen vrijdag is opgeëist door leden van Abbas' gematigde Fatah beweging. Eén van hen was klerk bij een rechtbank en ook betrokken bij de Palestijnse inlichtingendienst, de ander werkte voor de Palestijnse nationale veiligheidsdienst. Zij gaven zichzelf aan bij de Palestijnse Autoriteit, om zo arrestatie door Israël te vermijden.
Israël heeft intussen de PA opgeroepen ze niet vrij te laten en gedreigd dan het heft in eigen hand te nemen. De kans dat ze van de PA een lange straf zullen krijgen voor deze moorden is echter klein. De PA heeft plegers van aanslagen tegen Israëli's altijd snel weer vrij gelaten.
Zowel de Palestijnse veiligheidsdiensten als de politie en inlichtingendiensten worden overigens voor een groot deel betaald met geld van de internationale gemeenschap, waaronder de Europese Unie, en hun wapens door de EU verschaft met Israëlische toestemming, met als doel dergelijke aanvallen en aanslagen te voorkomen. Het is dan ook aan ons erop toe te zien dat leden die dergelijke misdaden begaan hard worden gestraft.

Terrorists who carried out deadly W. Bank shooting were Fatah men
By Yuval Azoulay, Haaretz Correspondent
Last update - 21:30 01/01/2008

The terrorists who carried out Friday's shooting attack near the West Bank city of Hebron, killing two Israelis, were both members of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction, according to information made public Tuesday.

The terrorists turned themselves into Palestinian Authority general intelligence custody immediately following the attack, due to fears they would be captured by Israeli security forces that were in pursuit.

Ahikam Amihai and David Rubin, who were killed in the attack, were both Israel Defense Forces soldiers on leave from their unit. They were hiking near Hebron when they came under fire from Palestinian terrorists in a Jeep.

Amihai and Rubin were both armed, and managed to return fire, killing one of the terrorists. Their female companion, a Kiryat Arba resident who had joined them for the hike, was uninjured.

The PA general intelligence did not immediately inform Israel that the terrorists were in its custody, and only did so once the Shin Bet security service approached Palestinian officials.

Following the Shin Bet request, Palestinian intelligence confirmed that the terrorists had turned themselves in, and even handed over to Israel the victims' weapons, which the assailants had taken following the attack, as well as the weapons used in the shooting.

The terrorist who was killed was identified as 23-year-old Hebron resident Bassel Natsha. The two who turned themselves in are 24-year-old Hebron resident Ali Dandanes, a court clerk and Fatah member who has ties to the Palestinian general intelligence, and 26-year-old Hebron resident Amar Taha, a Fatah member and a member of the Palestinian national security forces.

According the Palestinian inquiry, the attack was premeditated, and the terrorists had waited for an opportune time to carry it out. One of the terrorists spotted the Israeli hikers, and called the other two to the scene in order to carry out the attack.

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