maandag 18 april 2011

Enquete toont halvering Palestijnse steun voor raketaanvallen Gaza

Dit is natuurlijk goed nieuws, al zijn de aantallen nog steeds aanzienlijk. Overigens is de term 'military operations against Israel' nogal misleidend, want de Palestijnen hebben geen leger en doen uitsluitend aanvallen die geen onderscheid maken tussen de burgerbevolking en militaire doelen, of zelfs bewust tegen burgers zijn gericht zoals de meeste (zelfmoord)aanslagen en raketaanvallen. De enquete vroeg ook apart naar steun voor aanvallen op burgers, maar die worden alleen apart voor de Westoever en de Gazastrook gegeven. Wel wordt in algemene zin van bomaanslagen tegen Israel gesproken, en het aantal mensen dat die steunt is niet lager dan het aantal dat 'militaire operaties' tegen Israel steunt:

In reference to Palestinian support of bombing or suicide bombing attacks against Israel, the JMCC poll indicated that support for such actions decreased from 55.4% in January 2009 to 37.3% this April.

Het percentage Palestijnen dat aanvallen op burgers steunt, lijkt ook niet lager, als je bedenkt dat er ongeveer twee keer zoveel Palestijnen op de Westoever als in Gaza wonen:

"A ratio of 57.3% of the respondents in Gaza Strip supported bombing operations against Israeli civilian targets compared with 25.3% in the West Bank," the survey added.

Dat is opvallend, want meestal is het percentage Palestijnen dat aanvallen specifiek gericht op burgers steunt, wel lager dan het percentage dat voor de gewapende strijd tegen Israels leger is. Ik vraag mij af hoe duidelijk de enqueteurs dit onderscheid maakten bij het stellen van de vragen, en hoe betrouwbaar de antwoorden dus zijn.
Poll: Palestinian support for Gaza rocket attacks on Israel dropped by half
Jerusalem Media & Communication Center survey shows that since 2009, ratio of Palestinians who opposed military operations rose from 38.1% to 51% since after the Gaza war.
By Haaretz Service

Ratio of Palestinians who believe rockets fired by Gaza militants are useful in achieving Palestinian national goals has dropped by half, a Palestinian poll showed on Sunday, noting a general drop in Palestinian support for military attacks on Israel of any kind.

The study conducted by the Ramallah-based Jerusalem Media & Communication Center (JMCC) surveyed support for what it called "military operations" against Israel, and compares it the amount of support measured in a similar study conducted in January of 2009.

The timing of the earlier sample is significant as it came in the wake of Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza, otherwise known as Operation Cast Lead, after which Israel was severely criticized for its alleged use of excessive force within the populated Strip.

According to the poll released by the JMCC on Sunday, since the Gaza war the ratio of Palestinians who opposed "military operations" against Israel rose from 38.1% in January of 2009 to 51.8% in April of 2011.

Accordingly, the poll states, "the ratio of Palestinians who support military operations decreased from 53.3% in January 2009 to 37.1% in April 2011."

The poll also refers specifically to Palestinian support of rockets and mortar bombs launched from the Gaza Strip against surrounding Israeli communities, stating that the ratio of Palestinians who believe they are useful in achieving the national goals went down from 50.8% in January 2009 to 25.4% in April of 2011.

In addition, the survey also showed that "the ratio of Palestinians who believe that these rockets harm the national interests went up from 20.8% in January 2009 to 38.6% this month."

In reference to Palestinian support of bombing or suicide bombing attacks against Israel, the JMCC poll indicated that support for such actions decreased from 55.4% in January 2009 to 37.3% this April.

An interesting discrepancy was also noted in Palestinain public opinion on these matters between the West Bank and Gaza, with "45.5% in Gaza supported military operations against Israeli targets compared with 32.0% in the West Bank."

"A ratio of 57.3% of the respondents in Gaza Strip supported bombing operations against Israeli civilian targets compared with 25.3% in the West Bank," the survey added.

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