donderdag 13 mei 2010

Archeologische vondsten 'Palestina' in Syrië en Turkije

Nieuwe archeologische vondsten suggereren dat de oude Filistijnen - naar vermoed een zeevolk uit Kreta of omgeving, dat zich van daaruit in de kuststrook bij Gaza vestigde - veel meer gebieden controleerden dan tot dusver gedacht. Hun naam werd gevonden in hierogliefen in Turkije en Syrië.
De Filistijnen hebben weinig van doen met de huidige Arabische Palestijnen: de Romeinen hernoemden rond het jaar 136 het land van Israël naar dit volk toen dat al eeuwen verdwenen was, en later werden de inwoners van het gebied weer naar het land "Palestijnen" genoemd.

The Jerusalem Post
'Palestine existed in Syria, Turkey'
11/05/2010 14:20

New finds from dig shed light on 11th, 12th century BC dynasty.

The great kingdom of 'Palestine' once existed within Syrian and Turkish boundaries, Professor J.P Dessel of the University of Tennessee claimed in a statement released on Tuesday.

The professor, who is a member of the Tell Tayinat archeological digs in Turkey, and who presided at the Haifa University Ancient East Research Conference, asserted that the commonwealth was located between the cities of Aleppo, Hama and Antakya and the Turkish-Syrian border in the 12th and 11th centuries BC.

The significance of this find, which was being discussed in a special meeting, is that the ancient Philistine empire was not limited to the lands of Canaan.

Following the collapse of the Hittite dynasty in the 13th century BC, smaller states sprung up in areas that were previously under Hittite rule, one of which was Palestine. In his lecture, Dessel explained that this was concluded from new-found evidence which was unearthed in the Tell Tayinat excavations.

Hittite hieroglyphics were found on the Antakya site reading "Palestine." Similar hieroglyphics were found in the cities of Aleppo and Hama.

"This is a significant discovery which shows that the Philistines did not just hold land in Israel, but in Syria as well," Haifa University Professor Gershon Glil, the conference coordinator, said.

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