dinsdag 29 september 2009

De ondergang en verdrijving van de Joden van Lybië

Sympathisanten van de Palestijnen vertellen graag hoe vreedzaam Joden en Arabieren samenleefden in het Midden-Oosten voordat die vermaledijde zionisten kwamen en iedereen wilden overheersen. Zolang de moslims in de meerderheid en dominant waren, en de Joden zich daaraan aanpasten, ging het in de ogen van de moslims prima. De Joden hebben daar gemengde gevoelens over. In de Arabische wereld ging het vaak beter dan in Europa, maar er waren, afhankelijk van tijd en plaats, tal van discriminitoire en vernederende maatregelen en gebruiken, en van gelijkwaardigheid was geen sprake.
Na de stichting van Israel zijn bijna alle Joden uit de Arabische landen gevlucht en verdreven, met achterlating van een hoeveelheid land die meerdere keren de oppervlakte van Israel omvat. Zie ook: http://www.israel-palestina.info/vluchtelingen.html 

Decline and fall of Libyan Jews

(From Point of No return)
The Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi  knows all about Jews. Jews dressed like Arabs and lived in harmony with Arabs, he tells Time magazine. But they are heading to disaster because they dared have their Jewish state, instead of one state shared with the Palestinians. Gaddafi here restates the old dhimmi idea - the Jews are 'our Jews' who must defer to Arabs for protection.
So successful was coexistence in Libya, that  under Gaddafi's watch Libya became judenrein! For the benefit of Time readers and others who are tempted to believe Gaddafi's lies, Point of No Return charts the decline and fall of Libyan Jewry:
1938  Italian racial laws applied to Libya's 30,000 Jews.
1942  600 Jews die in Giado work camp
1945  Two-day pogrom: 130 Jews killed
1948  14 Jews killed in pogrom
1949 - 1952 : 90 percent of Jews flee for Israel
1951  Constitution abolished. PM Mahmud Muntassar says Jews can have no future in Libya.
1952 Independent Libya bans emigration, joins the Arab League
1953 Libya signs up to the anti-Israel boycott. Night-time searches of Jewish homes for 'Zionist' material
1954 Maccabi sports club closed
1960 Muslim appointed head of Jewish community council
1961 Assets belonging to Libyan Jews in Israel seized. Only Libyan nationals can buy property (excludes Jews). Jews cannot vote.
1963 Nasserists press for closure of US and UK bases
1963 Murder of Jewish leader Halfalla Nahum, 84
1967 Six-Day War. Jews donate to Palestinian cause. 60 percent of Jewish assets destroyed in Tripoli. Italian and Jewish shops burnt. 10 Jews killed.
        300 Benghazi Jews detained for own safety. Two families (14 people) massacred. Almost all Libya's remaining 5,000 Jews evacuated out of the country.
2002 Esmeralda Meghnagi, Libya's last Jew, dies.

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