donderdag 12 juni 2008

Iraans bedrijf: "trouw of wordt ontslagen"

De reden dat een aantal medewerkers niet getrouwd zijn is armoede, en dat valt de staat aan te rekenen die miljarden aan het atoomprogramma besteedt, en aan de training en bewapening van Hezbollah en Hamas, in plaats van te investeren in de mensen en de economie. Iran is rijker dan de Arabische staten in het Midden-Oosten, en de bevolking is beter opgeleid. Bovendien is het land rijk aan grondstoffen. Dat er toch zoveel armoede heerst, is een schande.

Marry or lose job, says Iran firm

Iranian couple in Tehran - file photo
Many young Iranians are having difficulty affording getting married

Single workers at one of Iran's major state-owned companies have been told to marry by September or face being fired, Iranian newspapers have reported.


The Pars Special Economic Energy Zone Company employs thousands of people, mostly young men, on Iran's Gulf coast.

Being married is a job requirement, a directive from the company is reported as saying.

Correspondents say the ruling appears to be an attempt to reduce the number of prostitutes working in the area.

The company controls Iran's large network of gas and petrochemical facilities around the coastal city of Assalouyeh on the Gulf coast.

Its directive, according to the Etemad newspaper, says that despite requests "some of our colleagues did not fulfil their commitments and are still single".

It continues: "As being married is one of the criteria of employment, we are announcing for the last time that all the female and male colleagues have until September 21 to go ahead with this important and moral religious duty."

In the same vein, the governor of the eastern province of North Khorasan ruled recently that only married people would be hired for official posts in the region.

Economic difficulties in Iran have led many people to postpone getting married, despite sexual relations being illegal outside marriage. __._,_.___

*** Balanced Middle East News ***
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