donderdag 17 mei 2012

Joodse leger doodt twee nazi's in Jeruzalem (1948)


“Het Joodse leger doodt twee nazi’s”. Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog konden Joden alleen maar van zo’n krantenkop dromen, maar een paar jaar later was dit in Palestina realiteit. De nazi’s waren daar om de Arabieren te helpen trainen voor hun strijd tegen de Joden – daar leken nazi’s hen zeer geschikte mensen voor, gezien hun eigen ervaring met het doden van Joden. Maar die troffen daar een ietwat andere realiteit aan dan tijdens de oorlog in Europa. 





January 1, 1948: The Jewish army kills two Nazis - in Jerusalem 


On January 1, 1948, a Jewish army killed two Nazis:

The Arabs, still stinging from their defeat at the UN, decided to hire the most effective murderers of Jews they could find to help them follow in Hitler's footsteps.

It was a marriage made in heaven: Nazis who were disappointed with their failure to utterly destroy world Jewry were getting a second chance, and Arabs who supported the Nazis could get people with military expertise to help them out:

And the Arab desire to wipe out the Jews resonated with other assorted anti-semites, Fascist sympathizers from Great Britain among them:

It is ironic that the Arabs who love to call Zionists "Nazis" are the ones who were eager to hire real Nazis to kill as many Jews as possible.

See also this article about the saga of two Arab Nazi paratroopers who came to Palestine during World War II; one of them ended up being a faithful gang leader for Hajj Amin Husseini in 1948.


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