donderdag 19 januari 2012

75% Joodse Israeli's heeft geen problemen met homosexuele buren, 70% Arabische Israeli's is tegen


Antizionisten wijzen graag op enquetes waaruit blijkt dat hoge percentages Joodse Israeli’s niet naast Arabieren willen wonen, niet willen dat hun kinderen met Arabieren samen op school zitten of met een Arabische vriend thuis komen. Dat zijn geen al te fraaie cijfers. Het gebrek aan tolerantie blijkt echter nog een stuk erger aan Arabische zijde. Uit onderstaande enquete blijkt dat liefst 70% van de Arabische bevolking in Israel geen homostel als buren wil, tegenover 25% van de Joden. Ook wat betreft andere bevolkingsgroepen blijken de Arabieren behoorlijk intolerant. Beide groepen wonen niet graag naast elkaar: 50% van de Arabieren heeft liever geen Joodse buren, en 46% van de Joden liever geen Arabische. 





75% of Jewish-Israelis Fine Living Near Homosexuals, 70% of Arab-Israelis Opposed

By Aviv Benedix

A new survey by the Israel Democracy Institute shows that 75% of Jewish Israelis were not disturbed by and would be okay living near homosexuals, while 70% of Arab-Israelis oppose living near gays.

75% of Jewish Israelis Fine having Homosexual neighbors

The survey asked the general Israeli public: "How important is it to you that in Israel...Homosexual couples should have the same legal rights as other couples." 6% of Israelis declared that it was not at all important to them, 42% stated that it was so-so important to them, 29% said it was extremly important, and 23% declared that they don't know or refuse to answer the question.

When the general Israeli population was asked if it bothered them to have a homosexual couple as neighbors, 35% declared that it would bother them, 20% said that they don't care, 42% said it would not bother them, and 3% said they don't know or refused to answer the question.

Survey Results

Among the Jewish public surveyed, 46% were opposed to having Arabs as neighbors, 39% mentally ill in community treatment, 39% foreign workers as neighbors, with 25% of respondents bothered by having a homosexual couple as a neighbor. This was followed by 23% bothered by ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighbors, 18% mentally retarded, 17% with Ethiopian Immigrants, 12% former settlers 10% with non-Sabbath observers, and 8% with immigrants from the Former Soviet Union.

A breakdown of the Israeli-Jewish public by religiosity showed that while only 21% of secular Jews and 31% of traditional Jews are opposed to equal rights for gay couples, 51% of religious/Orthodox Jews, and 68% of Ultra Orthodox Jews were opposed.

68% of Ultra Orthodox Jews are Opposed to Equal Rights for Homosexual Couples


When the Arab-Israeli public was asked "How important is it to you that in Israel...Homosexual couples should have the same legal rights as other couples", 54% declared that the matter was not of importance to them, 24% find the issue to be important, and 22% have no definate opinion on the matter.

The data also showed the Arab-Israeli public to be less tolerant than the Israeli Jewish public when it came to living with other groups as neighbors. Homosexuals topped the list, with 70% of Arab-Israelis polled opposed to living next to gay couples, 67% not wanting to live near Ultra Orthdox Jews, 65% former settlers, 64% immigrants from the Former Soviet Union, 56% non-Sabbath observers, 53% Ethiopian immigrants, 51% mentally retarded, 50% Jews in general, 49% mentally in community treatment and 48% opposed to living near foreign workers.

Gays Not Wanted: 70% of Arab-Israelis are opposed to gay couples as neighbors


For more information please see the full survey on the Israel Democracy Institute's website.


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