vrijdag 12 augustus 2011

Witte Huis haalt Jeruzalem uit Israel


Stel je wordt geboren in Jeruzalem en verhuist later naar de VS en neemt de Amerikaanse nationaliteit aan. Je geeft bij de gemeente op dat je geboorteplaats Jeruzalem, Israel is, maar men weigert dat te noteren, want Jeruzalem ligt volgens de VS niet in Israel. Je moet kiezen: of je woonplaats is Jeruzalem of je geboorteland Israel, allebei kan niet. Het lijkt op een sick joke, maar is werkelijkheid in het land dat wordt gezien als grote beschermer en bondgenoot van Israel. En ondertussen blijven mensen maar zeggen dat de VS zo onder de plak zit van de Joodse lobby met haar mythische krachten. Niet dus. Onder de blog staat een link naar de website van het White House waar je je ongenoegen hierover kunt uiten. 





White House erases "Jerusalem, Israel" from its website


From Daniel Halper at The Weekly Standard:

Quick question: According to the State Department, what nation is the city of Jerusalem in? If you answered Israel, you'd be wrong. The State Department just issued the following press release: 

QUESTION: What is the State Department’s position regarding American persons born in Jerusalem who wish to have passports issued that indicate their place of birth as Israel?

ANSWER: Current U.S. Government policy is that U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem may not have “Israel” listed in their passports as their place of birth. See the U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Manual 7 FAM 1300 Appendix D for further details.

Hmm. You kind of have to wonder why no one thought to inform the White House! When Vice President Biden visited Jerusalem, Israel last year, the White House helpfully provided the following caption: "Vice President Joe Biden laughs with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem, Israel, March 9, 2010."

Beschrijving: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6MyAE2P5T-j5lnwy8FrB6DO27CqLHMMvqgWvFnsLEeL7ICJZsghWnUrsV2nfo8MJ7h5hREjVeHf6dkH_2jn96FlhCWMyPzH-U_qIPDpxfq96DuSrBVH3J7skTq5Rfpq4DCpOUk87egb0/s400/whbiden2.jpg


And then the author posted this a little later:

Within two hours of posting, the White House has apparently gone through its website, cleansing any reference to Jerusalem as being in Israel. 


Beschrijving: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj3ACCknOc-sUxcs-36Rqv1O2T_gkEbftACsxPu0KxXW_ZUGwfpFD9VxzawmQ-t35giWrHk3hNW-tGExrAD1OfNS_XDXuSB9uFrl4ATa243VPqiy2e1_OqHwo4ClaJMzC4ckvrlyqOOmiM/s400/whbiden3.jpg

The caption now reads: "Vice President Joe Biden laughs with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem, March 9, 2010."

Sure enough, according to Google's cache, at least 7 references to "Jerusalem, Israel" have been changed now to show "Jerusalem" alone.

Beschrijving: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh1SpmNZRdTmVFcIt-gZrEtpuWI7rrklBxJ9r9DuZaWSUvF87X-H5dGI68TF1Q-5C3xg8oPgPLmbA45WhA2hi0H5EI4O-PKMMua2hp58vZxZtnGxZ823-djLjMS0MpSgJQzbx2dOggsM64/s400/whnetanyahu1.jpg

is now:

Beschrijving: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjOnLHf4xJ38IfrudbRdG0OvoBrEWO2DU_XhibpbBOvg4VMm9J4C9ZuAwvsb_h5Z8CJwjEclDFjj5jzQWz2cqmkDeHWjkRbc7bsVUEZHymG0cFVECs5yfo9RVjAn-u3O3GNV5jwDFrFQOM/s400/whnetanyahu2.jpg

The only remaining reference to "Jerusalem, Israel" that I can find on the White House site is in this announcement:

Beschrijving: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgYIrQSitIJZwX4C-WL6GwQExvszJAMlikf_Ouh0WpHCBP-F3u2sVqkQfikP_wul4YC2f_xUOqGXPBJYe3cUYtF7fJffofjVgETIAxocWCGWnDyP1Ggqwsx-NxM_L47Nbs1lWQgtg38ed8/s400/adrienne.jpg

This is beyond outrageous.

Go to the White House website contact page and let them know.


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